The Wolven Mark

Hidden Legends: University of Sorcery Book 1

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

The Wolven Mark is the first book in the 6-part University of Sorcery Series by Megan Linski. Emma is thrust into the magical world of Malovia after having lived her whole life with no knowledge of her magical abilities as a sorceress. Ethan is the heir apparent of Malovia and is at the top of the social structure before he loses his father and his leg in an attack. Grieving from the loss, he must find his mate in four months to participate in the King’s Contest. Black Claw, a rebel faction, has amped up their efforts to cause unrest in the kingdom and there is a vigilante on the loose who has taken up the cause to bring the rebels down. As new alliances are being built and new friendships formed, will Emma and Ethan be able to work together to win the contest?

I was introduced to Megan Linski’s Academy of Magical Creatures series last year and I still remember the angst I felt while reading what the characters went through in each of her books. The Wolven Mark didn’t miss the mark with that expectation. As a fan of Megan’s previous series, I loved the way this series started. This book has set the characters who would play a prime role in this series. Each of the characters has their quirks and abilities and you are part of the group as you participate in this adventure. The narrative is fast-paced, with unexpected twists which only add to the suspense. If you hate cliffhangers, get a copy of the whole series before starting this book, because once you start reading, I’m sure you’ll want to know where the adventure leads Ethan, Emma, and their friends.

Maxx Pinkins and Liana Walsh have brought this narrative to life in the audio version. They not only clearly distinguished between Ethan's and Emma’s perspectives but were also able to bring their emotions to life, making me laugh and feel like biting my nails, along with the characters. I liked how Liana used distinct vocal inflections to bring Emma’s friends to life and this enhanced the audio experience.