The Starlight Club 7

End Game

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/12/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

The Starlight Club 7: End Game is an historical fiction novel written by Joe Corso. While it's the seventh book in Corso's Starlight Club Series, the author provides enough background information for this novel to be read as a stand-alone. Bobby's visit up north to his daughter in Connecticut was obviously going to last a little bit longer than he had originally intended. He had planned on starting his trip back home to sunny Florida, but several feet of snow and massive drifts made his escape to the warmth an impossibility. So, he decided he'd make the best of another few days visiting with Lynn. Besides, he just remembered another story about the world-famous Starlight Club, which he knew so well. Bobby delivered the world-famous steaks that Starlight Club patrons used to swoon over. He also got to know Red, the owner, and the other unforgettable friends and acquaintances that made the Starlight Club so special.

It was 1962, he recalled, and a young man named Renato had just finished his tour of duty in Vietnam. A brawl left the young vet with a badly dented skull and led to his first encounter with Red and Tarzan, a captain in Red’s organization at the Starlight Club. Three years later, Renato would end up working the bar there. He was a handsome and popular bartender who drew women to the club in droves, but an unscrupulous and ambitious FBI agent had Red and the Starlight Club in his sights, and nothing was going to stop his destructive plans.

Joe Corso's historical novel, The Starlight Club 7: End Game, perfectly captures the mood and times of the early 1960s in New York and Long Island. This was the first of the Starlight Club novels I've read, and I quickly found myself involved in the action. While I normally avoid Godfather-type literature, I was very impressed with the author's understanding of how the Mafia interacted with the public during that time frame, particularly in that area of the United States. There are no clear-cut heroes and villains, mobsters and good guys in End Game. The villain of the story is actually an FBI agent, and the reader can't help but root for Red and his family as they fight for their very existence. End Game is an exciting, well-written story that delivers. It's highly recommended.