The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs

Poetry - General
124 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

Poetry allows us to preserve moments and emotions through time. It helps us reflect on our lives and see things from another perspective. Using this resource, Jan Seabaugh shares some of her most significant memories of her mother, Vivian Frame. Vivian was a strong and determined woman who, at age 17, left the ranch where she grew up to get a college education. She eventually met her ideal man, and together they raised a family despite the difficulties of their time. Jan also addresses her mother's experience of being widowed and the tough battle with Alzheimer's she faced in her later years. The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs narrates a life of constant change over the decades, marked by real and touching situations.

I loved The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs for the sincerity in Jan Seabaugh's words. Many of her poems are based on personal conversations with her mother, giving an emotional vision into their interactions. The descriptions of people and places are detailed and natural, evoking strong emotions. In addition, I liked the language because it is simple and direct. The expressions in the poems are literal, making it easy to follow the ideas. Each anecdote shares a clear message. Some memories are nostalgic and others hopeful, allowing us to appreciate our families. One appreciates how each story was carefully selected to communicate important life lessons about love, loyalty, and resilience. The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs is a sincere tribute that reflects a daughter's appreciation for her mother.

Pikasho Deka

Jan Seabaugh tells the story of her mother's life and her eventual surrender to Alzheimer's with this enthralling collection of poems. The poems in The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs follow the life of Vivian Frame, Jan's mother, painting a vivid portrait of her life, from her earlier years as a child tending sheep on a ranch in western South Dakota to the later stages of her life when she was afflicted with dementia. Through her mesmerizing verses, the author recounts her mother's childhood stories, her pursuit of a college education to find her place in the world, her mourning of her husband's passing, her passionate zeal to fight for social causes, writing letters to local Congressmen, as well as the gradual loss of her memories to dementia.

Jan Seabaugh uses poetic storytelling to give an unflinching account of her mother's life; the good, the bad, and everything in between. The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs is an engrossing poetry collection that is intimate and personal, showcasing a daughter's love for her mother and the devastating effects of aging and memory loss. Seabaugh uses free verse poems to celebrate her mother's life, weaving a beautiful tapestry of emotions and feelings that include nostalgia, joy, heartbreak, loss, mourning, and more. Through her poems, the author seeks to remember her mother as the person she once was before dementia wrested control of her mind and body. Seabaugh's verses evoke genuine emotions and have a relatable quality that will appeal to any reader with aging parents. I heartily recommend this collection to all poetry readers out there.

Jennie More

The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs by Jan Seabaugh is an anthology of poems about a daughter’s relationship with her mother with dementia. Seabaugh meticulously recounts her complicated emotions for her mother, her only living parent. She describes her mother as a headstrong person who she found challenging to understand at times. While her mom could no longer vehemently express her opinions on the world’s injustices and social ills, it is during these silent moments that Seaburgh could reflect on everything her mother has said and done. She had the space to analyze, absorb, and begin to appreciate the wisdom and love in her mother’s words and actions that were always present. It is a beautiful tribute to her mother and motherhood in general.

The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs by Jan Seabaugh is absorbing, candid, and elevating. Dementia can be traumatic for children who know their parents as strong, capable, and independent-minded individuals their entire lives. Seabaugh paints a relatable picture of the emotions and experiences of the child as they watch their parent disappear. She authors her poems like a story. After reading this book, I felt like I knew her mother and the other mothers like her. The poems are heartfelt and insightful, triggering an acknowledgment of how often we misunderstand our parents. The poems are all beautifully written, heartwarming, and inspiring. And despite the disheartening nature of dementia, I felt elevated and revived after reading these poems. Seaburgh articulates difficult emotions clearly and creatively.