The Religious Divide

Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
380 Pages
Reviewed on 07/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

In The Religious Divide by Larry Squyres, being raised in a family of people who attend different religious denominations has a way of posing questions that need answers. Comparing and contrasting the differences and similarities in the belief structures plays a key role in finding the truth in God’s words. Examining the scriptures in the Old Testament and weighing them against the New Testament can go a long way in helping a person understand more about what they mean. Trying to decide who’s right and wrong is not exactly the way to discover your faith in God’s love. Studying the words and taking them in will allow you to find the truth and continue on the path to God with a clearer understanding and a better outlook on your faith and life.

The Religious Divide is one of the most informative books I have ever read when it comes to understanding the Bible and the differences and similarities between various denominations. I love how Larry Squyres explains a point, gives contrasting points, and then adds scriptures that make the ideas between them more understandable. I think the best thing is how this author encourages you to find the truth in your heart while helping you figure out the pieces that can be somewhat confusing. I recommend The Religious Divide to anyone who wants and needs a better understanding of what is found in the Bible and wants more clarity on what’s right, what may be considered wrong, and how to find their place in this world through the scriptures.