The Prodigy Project

Fiction - Adventure
336 Pages
Reviewed on 01/15/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Dr. Karen Hutchins Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

"The Prodigy Project" by Dr. Doug Flanders is a fast-paced and fun mystery read that will leave the reader turning pages quickly. It has a wonderful, family-oriented plot and is very well-developed so that the reader is never quite sure what will be in the next chapter. Two young Chinese prodigies are working on an ancient virus that has the capability to affect the entire world population. The target is to disrupt the defense system of the United States but the biological weapon potential of the adolescents' research is, in essence, a threat to humankind. Enter physician and spy Jon Gunderson. Hopefully, he has accepted his last mission and a danger-frought mission it is. He unknowingly puts his family in harm's way when he suggests a family trip to China under the cover of two of the children participating in a scholastic contest. As soon as the contest commences, the real games of intrigue begin.

Flanders writes for adults but his mystery novel is easily accessible to young adults as well. He humorously describes the trials and tribulations of a large, cohesive family while not ignoring his own talents and shortfalls as a government spy. At times, he is humorous and at other times, very poignant as he sets out to protect a family in grave danger while, at the same time, remaining true to his assigned mission. Flanders delivers a delightful mystery which is sure to draw in a diverse group of readers.