The Polar Bears' Journey

Children - Animals
40 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

In The Polar Bears' Journey, a children's picture book by Tuula Pere, Nanu is in trouble. The bears' ice slide is slowly disappearing, and his home is melting too. Father went out on a hunting trip and hasn't returned yet. The melting ice drives Mom and Nanu to move on, while Grandma stays behind to wait for Father. A friendly term helps guide them to safety, but their journey to find a new home is a long one. All around them, the ice floes continue to melt, and their fears mount. Will they find a safe new home? Will they ever be reunited with Father and Grandma?

The Polar Bears' Journey by Tuula Pere is a lovely story about polar bears journeying to find a new home with some beautiful illustrations by Roksolana Panchyshyn. This isn't just a cute story, though. It also has a serious message about the damage climate change is doing to the planet and everything that lives upon it, and who better to give that message to than the next generation? It also touches on the plight of refugees, families ripped apart by circumstances out of their control, and desperate to make a new life for themselves in safety. This story is beautifully told, and it will stay in the minds of readers and the children who listen to it for a long time. Once again, Tuula Pere has come up with a stunning masterpiece, evident not just in the stories she tells but in how she tells them. Her characters are amazing, and using animals is a great way to help kids learn. This is one book that all kids should own; not only is it one they will enjoy but its message is invaluable.

Pikasho Deka

The Polar Bears' Journey by Tuula Pere follows a polar bear family and their adventures in the Arctic. Whenever his parents went out to hunt in the sea, Nanu, a playful polar bear cub, stayed behind home with his grandma. But the ice is melting, forcing many polar bear families to move further North. Catching fish is getting harder, which leads Nanu's parents to roam farther and farther away in search of food. When Nanu's father isn't back from his hunting trip for days, his mother decides to move somewhere else as their glacier is melting. Grandma stays behind, and Nanu and his mother follow the guidance of a friendly tern, who leads them to a place where plenty of fish can be found. Will Nanu and his mother reach their destination and reunite with his father?

The Polar Bears' Journey is a heartwarming story that sheds light on the issue of climate change and its impact on Earth's wildlife. Using polar bears as the main characters, Tuula Pere weaves an engaging tale that shows how Earth's ice caps are melting, leading to devastating effects on the environment and the lives of the indigenous creatures in the polar regions. Young readers will definitely be moved by Nanu and his family's story and learn why it's so important for us to take the necessary steps for environmental preservation. Climate change is an increasingly relevant topic, and it's not something we can ignore anymore. Books like these ensure that children develop an understanding of environmental conservation and do their part to preserve this planet and the beautiful creatures that live on it. The ending is optimistic and leaves you hopeful about the future. Although it's a children's book, I highly recommend this to readers of all ages.

Laura Imaz

The Polar Bears' Journey by Tuula Pere narrates the story of Nanu, a polar bear cub who is concerned about the melting of the glaciers where he plays. He lives with his parents and grandmother, all of whom are worried about this issue. As hunting gets increasingly difficult, a decision must be made. However, when Father Bear goes missing after a few days of hunting, what can his family do? After finding the resolve, Mama Bear and Nanu set off on a tough trip with a friendly tern. In addition to the ice melting concern, the journey will be long and exhausting, necessitating a strong will. Find out whether this lovely family can reunite and more in this educational picture book.

The Polar Bears' Journey follows a family of polar bears as they struggle to leave their home, as seen through the eyes of a young cub. I loved Nanu's straightforward approach to the massive challenge of global warming. Tuula Pere expertly gives her readers a distinct perspective on this global issue in a way that is easy for children to grasp. I enjoy a happy ending as much as the next person, but I thought it was important to depict their journey's difficulties since this is part of life. Roksolana Panchyshyn expertly captures the core of the story while also providing readers with a collection of touching pictures that will undoubtedly enhance their reading. I recommend this book to any parent who wants their children to comprehend the concerns around global warming while still enjoying the story.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

The ice floes are melting and the polar bears are leaving, looking for safer places to make a home, places where the food is more plentiful. In Tuula Pere’s The Polar Bears’ Journey, Nanu, a polar bear cub, is worried. His father hasn’t returned from his recent hunting trip; there is little food to share and Mom thinks they should leave the only home he’s ever known. Grandma refuses to leave. Guided by a friendly tern, a pathfinder bird, Mom and Nanu start the long swim. It’s exhausting for Nanu, as he’s still learning to swim and doesn’t have the strength yet for a long journey. Will they make it to the new ice floes? Will they ever be reunited with Nanu’s father?

Tuula Pere’s picture book, The Polar Bears’ Journey, touches on the growing concern about climate change and the melting ice floes in the far north. Told in simple language, the plot follows young Nanu and his mother as they venture out into the open water in search of a new home. Young readers will be inspired by this young polar bear’s tenacity and ability to keep going even when things are getting tough. As well as teaching young people about polar bears, life in the north, and the shrinking ice fields, this is a comforting story about family values and taking care of one another. Overall, the story is riveting and educational and it will open up topics of discussion between young readers and their caregivers. The illustrations are superb and graphic in their attention to detail.

Amy Louise Hill

In The Polar Bears' Journey by Tuula Pere, Nanu is a young bear cub who loves to spend his days playing with other cubs and hanging out with his grandmother. But recently, little Nanu has been feeling less playful, and more worried about his family. Nanu's father has been away for days hunting for food, his mother barely brings enough food home to live on, and all the ice floes are rapidly disappearing. One night while Nanu sleeps, his mother, grandmother, and a family friend discuss the situation and decide to move on to another home. Bright and early the next day, Nanu and his mother head out to find their new home with the help of their friend. Will they make it? And will Nanu's family finally reunite? Find out in this book.

The Polar Bears' Journey by Tuula Pere was a pleasure to read. From start to finish, the story pulls the reader in and grabs hold of their heartstrings. An adorable polar bear is losing his home due to global warming. I love books that have an educational element to them, and this one packs a punch. It focuses on many sad events at once and makes you think about the climate and how deeply it can affect animals and people. This will hopefully teach children how they can help slow global changes, and allow nature to live. The illustrations by Roksolana Panchyshyn are a perfect fit for the story and will catch the attention of any young reader. So whether you're looking to educate your child on these matters, or want to entertain them with a touching story, this one will be a great choice. This book is adorable.