The Pillar of Salt

Fiction - Fantasy - General
431 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

Austin S. Solomon's The Pillar of Salt is a gripping tale set against a richly imagined landscape where humanity and supernatural violence collide. The novel follows Falinya, a skilled warrior burdened with a violent past, as she traverses a realm rife with demigods, war, and oppression. Solomon's narrative intricately constructs a world populated by complex characters and embroils them in personal and existential conflicts. The faeries have ruled humanity for millennia, and they behave as demigods. Falinya is determined to end their oppression. She sets out to destroy all the self-proclaimed demigods by forming an unlikely alliance with Alexander, who wants to see some change. But will she use the same tools of oppression she hates in the demigods to end them? What becomes of her in the end?

The Pillar of Salt is a stunningly imagined and well-executed fantasy with rock-solid characters and a richly drawn setting. Falinya, nicknamed the Pillar of Salt, is torn between her nature and the memories of the lives she has taken. Her character shows the struggle to fight against one’s inherent instincts, as seen in her aggressive encounters with knights and demigods. As she battles foes, including knight guards and monstrous Kaisers, Falinya's physical and emotional scars testify to the pain of her existence. The conflict unfolds through physical battles and relationships between characters like Foras, the epitome of human fragility. Foras’s admiration for Falinya contrasts his horror at her violent interactions, highlighting a recurring theme of the cost of power and the nature of sacrifice. The action-packed scenes are balanced by well-crafted dialogues that entertain. Austin S. Solomon offers captivating imagery in this epic fantasy, drawing readers into a world that is exciting to explore yet terrifying in its violence. This novel is for fans who love sophisticated and believable characters in an action-packed fantasy tale.