The Perfect Revenge

The Dragonfly Rises
by WilD

Fiction - Womens
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

The Perfect Revenge: The Dragonfly Rises by WilD is the story of Zoey Tirado as she picked up the pieces of her life and put them back together. Zoey Tirado was an orphan who lived with an abusive uncle. He was wealthy and had so much power that nothing could touch him. Zoey had a traumatic childhood, but all of that paled in comparison to what followed. Homeless, addicted, and desperate, Zoey could see no end in sight to her misery. But things changed when she met Leah, who became her salvation. She taught Zoey martial arts and gave her a reason to fight on. Zoey would later use her new talent and purpose to get what she always wanted: revenge.

I loved the chemistry between Zoey and Leah. They had a great way of communicating with each other and bonding. I loved their conversations. They revealed much about their personalities and mindsets. I saw a clear shift in Zoey’s character and how much calmer she became after finding a purpose. Her traumatic past was painful, and that had consequences for her mind and body. I hated Max, as he was an all-around creep. I love it when authors make their villains as twisted as possible, and WilD did exactly that. The Perfect Revenge had a pleasing end that left me with a sense of satisfaction as I finished the last chapter. I felt as if there were some questions left unanswered, and I hope that WilD will release a follow-up novel featuring Zoey and Leah.