The Past Never Dies

Fiction - Thriller - General
209 Pages
Reviewed on 07/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Past Never Dies is a nail-biting thriller by Ramona Mainstrom. A SWAT raid at her workplace reminds Cammie, a young woman, of her traumatic experience four years ago when an accident on a hurricane ride left her crippled. Her friend Shirley takes Cammie to a bar, where she meets a handsome man named Casey. Casey invites her for a weekend getaway on an island and that reveals his boss, Mr. M, wants Cammie to work as a consultant at the same amusement park where her life turned upside down all those years ago. Cammie and Casey begin an intense love affair but Cammie's past comes back to haunt her in the form of Mr. M. However, things aren't what they seem as a sinister conspiracy brews on the island. Who can Cammie truly trust? Will she find justice?

With a potent mix of mystery, suspense, and intrigue, Ramona Mainstrom weaves a gripping tale of love, revenge, and murder. Layered with romance and thrills, The Past Never Dies shocks you with unexpected reveals, twists, and turns you never see coming. The plot is very unpredictable. The author packs so much into each chapter that with every turn of the page, you're on the edge of your seat, wondering what'll happen next. The characters are complex and multi-faceted, with hidden layers to their motivations and actions. The dynamic between Cammie, Casey, and Josh is such that you don't know who to root for until the last few pages. Troy and Edie are also fascinating as secondary characters. Honestly, I found myself caught off-guard multiple times while reading this book. If you enjoy thriller mysteries with a touch of romance, The Past Never Dies is the perfect book for you.