The Only Me

Children - Picture Book
35 Pages
Reviewed on 12/06/2022
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Author Biography

Marissa Bader is a writer and children’s book author with a background in mental health. Her books, The Only Me, Stella’s Brave Voice, and Petunia the Perfectionist are inspired by her three daughters, a set of twins and a singleton, and promote confidence, courage, and self-acceptance in kids. Marissa also enjoys writing personal essays and articles about mental health and parenthood. Her work has appeared in Psychology Today, HuffPost Parents, Time Out New York, Kveller and more.

Marissa resides in Minneapolis with her family, and when not writing, can often be found drinking coffee or having dance parties with her kids. To learn more about Marissa and her books, or to schedule her for an author visit, head to her website at

    Book Review

Reviewed by Tiffany Ferrell for Readers' Favorite

In The Only Me by Marissa Bader, we are introduced to a set of twins that couldn’t be more different. Stella loves to dress up in frilly dresses and outfits while her sister is more of a tomboy and prefers to wear t-shirts and leggings. Many people don’t understand why the girls are so different and that frustrates Stella. She also doesn’t care much about being lumped together with her sister. It makes her feel as if she isn’t seen for who she is and is a separate person from Paige. This often causes Stella to feel that she isn’t good enough or cannot compare to her sister. Paige is good at so many things like sports, handwriting, and having more friends. Stella’s big brother Robby helps her to see that she has many talents that her twin sister does not. She realizes that she’s good at art, puzzles, and ballet while her sister is less so. That makes Stella happy as she has strengths that make her distinctive and more than just Paige’s twin sister.

I thought that The Only Me is a great book that so many kids can relate to. I think a lot of us have a sibling that just seems to be good at everything. Stella is such an adorable character who just wants to be seen for who she is and not compared to her twin the way so many people tend to do. The illustrations are colorful and adorable and fit perfectly with the storyline. Marissa Bader has written a grand book and I can’t wait to see what other works will follow.