The Making of Genevieve

Fiction - Womens
260 Pages
Reviewed on 05/21/2024
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Author Biography

Judy Lannon is a long-time resident of Cape Cod, where she has written both of her award-winning novels, Nine Days and The Making of Genevieve. After years in the corporate world Judy decided to change gears and began her writing journey at an age when most people are ready to slow down. When not writing, promoting and marketing, Judy spends as much time as possible walking the shores of her favorite beaches, collecting sea glass while her standard poodle Puck chases seagulls on the flats. The ocean is a recurring theme in her books.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Making of Genevieve is a slice-of-life drama novel by Judy Lannon. On her deathbed at the age of ninety-four, Genevieve Austin reminisces about her past as a young woman in the early 1940s. She recalls that one special night all those decades ago with her best friend, Nicky Reynolds, that led to an unwanted pregnancy. After Nicky revealed he was becoming a Catholic priest, in desperation Genevieve tricked a young man named Michael Austin into marrying her. Genevieve would go on to have four children with Michael, but their marriage was far from blissful. Realizing that his wife was in love with another man and suffering from PTSD after his stint in the US Air Force, Michael lost himself in a downward spiral of alcoholism, leaving Genevieve to take care of the family on her own.

Bittersweet and heartbreaking, The Making of Genevieve is a riveting tale about overcoming the unexpected setbacks of life. Judy Lannon's absorbing narrative is character-driven, centered around three people whose paths are intrinsically intertwined due to the whims of fate. Lannon paces the story nicely, with the narrative switching back and forth between the past and present, offering readers a dynamic perspective into the character arcs. These characters are multi-faceted and well-realized. They have flaws and vulnerabilities like real people, and it makes their stories all the more compelling to the reader. Genevieve is a force of nature who simply refuses to allow anything or anyone to bring her down, no matter the circumstances. Despite her flaws, you can't help but admire her resilient spirit and iron-clad will to live life on her own terms. Overall, a brilliant novel that I would highly recommend.