The Magical Land of Hearts

Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
30 Pages
Reviewed on 10/11/2022
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Author Biography

Sherry Dahl is the author of "The Magical Land of Hearts," "Bubbe's Sweet Surprise," and "The Fantastical Forest." She graduated from Tufts University, where she studied Child Development and Entrepreneurial Studies. Her children’s books include themes of family, fantasy, and humor. Favorite family memories of reading bedtime stories inspired her to write a story set in the dreamiest land imaginable - "The Magical Land of Hearts"!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Erin Nicole Cochran for Readers' Favorite

The Magical Land of Hearts by Sherry Dahl is an enchanting children’s picture book about an imaginary land where every heart’s desire seems to come true. Dahl’s narrative has a sweet child-like rhyming scheme that makes you almost want to sing the words out loud as you turn each page. The idea of the magical land becoming accessible simply by drawing a heart really made the book something extra special. There is an added surprise at the end of the book that will make children even more excited as the fun can continue but in another artistic way. This magical land is the kind of place that you’ll want to visit again and again, whether you’re a child or a child at heart.

Sherry Dahl’s The Magical Land of Hearts reminded me of all the things I loved the most as a child. All the sweets and treats, the joyful fun that came with no real responsibilities. The illustrations created by Aidar Zeineshev are vivid and colorful and play across the page as though they were images in a Pixar cartoon. Readers of all ages and sizes will no doubt salivate over the sundaes, jellybeans, and other yummy treats portrayed. They are so real you almost want to pick them off the screen and page. There is much to see and experience in this book and you will not want to miss out on it!