The Last Arcadian

Part One

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
159 Pages
Reviewed on 09/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

The Last Arcadian by Z.S. Joseph revolves around Addy, a birthday girl whose only major problem is coming to terms with an impending transition to boarding school and the pressure that comes with it. As her day proceeds with friends Eli and Luka, strange occurrences and visions start to hint at possible latent abilities and a larger conflict that involves her family’s past. Meanwhile, Burk, a commissioner embarking on a mission involving mysterious energy ripples, becomes aware of Addy’s unusual traits and the potential danger surrounding her. As the stakes ratchet up, she finds herself instinctively able to tap into powers within her when protective instincts kick in and aggression threatens those she cares about in a moment of extreme crisis.

Z.S. Joseph’s The Last Arcadian is a uniquely styled story of resilience and destiny, set against a backdrop of the gloriously supernatural. Joseph’s writing is straightforward, focusing on substance and a genuinely keen sense of atmosphere, drawing readers into Addy's and Burk's textured timelines and world. I like that Addy is experiencing a coming of age but on a wholly different level with her family dynamics. Joseph makes alternating storylines work and the result is a comfortable understanding of what could be difficult time concepts that keep us guessing. While the pacing occasionally slows in quieter moments, the overall trajectory remains forward-moving. Overall, this is a great little story that packs a big punch and promises more to come.


I’m not into science fiction but thought I would give this a try. I loved it Can’t wait for part 2.