The Journey

Children - Adventure
241 Pages
Reviewed on 05/27/2024
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Author Biography

Jim Sano grew up in an Irish/Italian family in Massachusetts. Jim is a husband, father, life-long Catholic and has worked as a teacher, consultant, and businessman. He has degrees from Boston College and Bentley University and is currently attending Franciscan University for a Master’s degree in Catechetics and Evangelization. He has also attended certificate programs at The Theological Institute for the New Evangelization at St. John’s Seminary and the Apologetics Academy. Jim is a member of the Catholic Writer’s Guild and has enjoyed growing in his faith and now sharing it through writing novels. Jim is the winner for twenty-one literary book awards and each of his first four have received the Catholic Writers Guild’s Seal of Approval Award for editorial integrity and faithfulness to Catholic teaching.

Jim resides in Medfield, Massachusetts with his wife, Joanne, and has two daughters, Emily and Megan

    Book Review

Reviewed by Bryone Peters for Readers' Favorite

The Journey by Jim Sano is about finding a secret portal to another world where wishes exist. Will, the protagonist, unwittingly wishes his baby brother, Sam, would disappear. His unfortunate wish results in adventures he and his friends could only dream of. Now he needs to get Sam back. His grandfather helps him and his friends go through the portal. They meet tiny people called the Kiggles on their journey. They cross treacherously elevated and dangerous paths. In this strange world, they also encounter monsters and deceitful villains. Will has no idea where the mysterious magical portal back to his world is located. Will has nine more wishes that he has to use wisely or risk being trapped in this strange world forever.

The Journey by Jim Sano is a colorful, adventurous story with many nerve-wracking moments. Children will love the exciting moments of encountering scary creatures in a plot filled with twists and turns. Young readers will enjoy reading about the Kiggles but not their unfortunate situation. The story inspires young readers' imaginations. It also teaches them about courage, determination, and doing what’s best. Will, the protagonist, shows youngsters how to be resolute against a persistent adversary. Initially, I thought ten wishes were a lot of wishes, but as the story unfolded, I realized there is no such thing as too many wishes. It was captivating reading how Will was using his wishes. He needed them in some difficult times. This book is a definite winner for young readers who enjoy adventures!