The January Girl

Fiction - Drama
289 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Thandy Malone has it all. She’s a successful attorney. She is self made, attractive and sophisticated. Her background was rough. She left home at an early age, had a baby, and married a drug lord. After his arrest she was left homeless. As successful as she is she lacks self-esteem.

As soon as Jackson Gabrielle meets her he knows he wants her despite the fact that he is married with kids. For years the two have a torrid love affair. When Thandy finds out he has another woman she moves to Chicago. Jack always gets what he wants and he wants Thandy back. Is she strong enough to say no?

This book has a surprise ending. While this is a good read, it isn’t a great read. I found the characters to be a bit flat, they lacked depth. The plot is interesting. I found myself wanting to scream at Thandy. Stop your ruining your life. All in all readers will enjoy this book.


Despite a past filled with poverty and heartache, Thandy manages to create a successful life for herself and her daughter. However, a lifetime of secrets threatens to destroy what she loves most. Author, Goldie Taylor slowly and tantalizingly introduces the characters as she artfully develops the story line in this contemporary novel about redemption and forgiveness. Overall, "The January Girl" is worth the read.


That the book was great from beginning to end. I can't wait to read something esle from this author


The story of a woman involved with a married man for 10 years, this book caught my attention when I read the back cover and the main character was described as an Investment Executive. I hoped that it would be an "adult" novel and it did not disappoint. The characters were complex and the plot advanced at a great pace. I read it in one day enthralled in the lives of Thandy and Jack. The discussion of the book among a mixture of married and single friends has been enlightening and enhanced by the questions at the back of the book. Great read; looking forward to reading more by the author!