The Hunted

Fiction - Mystery - General
464 Pages
Reviewed on 11/03/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The setting November 1991, Russia.

Brian Haig shares the story of Alex and Elena Konevitch. This book is based on fact. Alex was a brilliant with finances and business. He was asked to leave the University of Moscow when it was discovered he was running a business from his dorm. This enterprising young man did not let stop him. Quietly he continued to make millions. As odd as it may sound Konevitch was a Capitalist amongst Communist.

The Soviet Union is falling to pieces. Alex financially supported Boris Yeltsin successfully bringing down the Soviet Union. Alex meets Elena, falls in love and marries. He continues to work with Yelstin and his fortune continues to grow. The KGB kidnaps the couple and torture Alex. They steal everything the couple owns and plan their murder. The young couple manages to escape the country taking refuge in the Unites States.

Granted asylum in the states the young couple again go in business. They are extremely successful. The KGB has not given up on destroying the Konevitches and continues to track them. An FBI agent with no scruples is will to trade the couple to the FBIs benefit. Again the couple loses everything. Their lives are in danger.

Brian Haig shows that corruption is not limited to the Soviet Union (Russia). It is disappointing to know that my country acted in this manner. The Hunted is fast paced. I won’t tell you I liked the characters, because I didn’t. I did have empathy for them. I admire Alex’s determination, intellect and abilities. This book relies heavily on narrative. The plot is convincing and frightening. It is easy to get caught up in this story. It is very difficult to lay it down.