The Ground You Stand Upon

Life of a Skytrooper in Vietnam

Non-Fiction - Memoir
572 Pages
Reviewed on 03/30/2024
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Author Biography

Joshua Bowe lives in Chaska, Minnesota with his wife Misty. Two of their four children are in college, and two have families of their own. From 2007 to 2019, he served in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery of the Minnesota National Guard. He continues to work full-time for the National Guard as a civilian. You can follow his blog and post reviews on his Amazon and Goodreads author pages.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Ground You Stand Upon: Life of a Skytrooper in Vietnam is a work of non-fiction in the military history, memoir, and slice-of-life genres. It is best suited to adult readers owing to moderate graphic content and some strong language throughout. Penned by author team Joshua E. Bowe and Wilbur E. Bowe, this gripping memoir recounts the harrowing experiences of Will Bowe and his comrades from the 1st Air Cavalry Division in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Drafted in 1965, Will finds himself thrust into the midst of the escalating conflict, undergoing training to become a ‘skytrooper’ and flying into jungle battlefields by helicopter. The book, based on classified staff journals and military records, chronicles Alpha Company's journey through rice fields, villages, and mountains, supplemented with Will's letters and photographs sent home from the frontlines.

Author team Joshua E. Bowe and Wilbur E. Bowe have worked together beautifully to craft a profoundly moving experience, offering a poignant glimpse into the realities of war through the eyes of Will and his fellow soldiers. The work meticulously weaves together firsthand accounts, military documents, and personal correspondence to paint a vivid picture of the Vietnam War, and it is exceedingly well-organized in the way it delivers content. The narrative that binds all this information together is smooth and warm, vividly capturing the camaraderie, humor, and sorrow experienced by those who served and revealing the complexities of combat and the toll it takes on individuals and communities. Through the voices of veterans and their loved ones, the book honors the sacrifices made and the resilience shown in the face of adversity. Overall, I would certainly recommend The Ground You Stand Upon for fans of historical accounts but also readers who appreciate a heartfelt tribute to the courage and spirit of those who served their country.