The Great Competitors

Dolphin Duel

Children - Animals
46 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“Dolphins are some of the most delightful animals in the world!” Watching them in movies or nature certainly reveals some of their playfulness and their ability to interact with humans with ease and compassion. In Bob Michaelson’s The Great Competitors, a story unfolds involving dolphins off the coast of Hawaii. Spinner dolphins are playful and just as amazing as the more popular Bottlenose dolphins. In a competition, they both live up to their names and the challenge of being the best, the fastest, and the most graceful, both in and above the water. And, did I mention that they are friendly? Not just with each other, but also with humans.

Bob Michaelson’s picture book, The Great Competitors: Dolphin Duel, is an engaging and educational read. The story is told in simple language to help young readers with their reading skills. The bright, bold, and colorful illustrations are superb and certainly help bring the story alive and move it along with ease. The story may be about a competition to see who is the best, but it’s also packed with valuable life lessons, particularly about differences and how “Variety is the spice of life,” and “It’s not about being better than others; it’s about the qualities each of them bring.” Young readers need to recognize their uniqueness and differences and how important it is to shine for who and what they are. The story also includes lessons about friendship, teamwork, and taking care of the environment. Beautifully told and illustrated.