The Ghost of Whispering Willow

Children - Preteen
246 Pages
Reviewed on 07/25/2024
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Author Biography

Amanda M. Thrasher was born in England, moved to Texas, and still resides there. She’s an award-winning Young Adult, General Fiction, Middle Grade, and Chapter Books author. Amanda is a multiple Gold Recipient of The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA), earning the award in multiple categories, including Young Adult, General Fiction, and Chapter Books. She’s a multiple Gold Medal and Bronze winner of the Readers’ Favorite International Book awards. She was also awarded a New Apple Literary Award and earned a first-place North Texas Book Festival award.

In addition, Amanda was contracted to write a graphic novel for the Driving on the Right Side of the Road Program. The publication is part of the Driving on the Right Side of the Road (DRSR) program, developed by the Law-Related Education Department of the State Bar of Texas Law Focused Education, Inc., and the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center with funding from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and the Texas Department of Transportation. The program’s purpose is to offer a preventive educational program to encourage responsible decision-making regarding obeying traffic laws and following safe practices. The graphic novel titled What If … A Story of Shattered Lives was adapted into a reader’s theater for as few as five speakers or as many as twenty-six.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

The Ghost of Whispering Willow by Amanda M. Thrasher is a thrilling read for children, young adults, and adult fans of mysteries and adventures with a paranormal twist. Stewart, Andy, and Zack are three friends investigating unusual activity in the Whispering Willow Woods. The boys install and constantly check out cameras after sighting an apparition there. They learn that the girls from their school, Kendall, Ally, Krista, and Maggie, saw an otherworldly little girl playing with a doll among the trees. The mystified children decide to band together and research the history of the place. To their great surprise, the ghost of a boy around their age asks the children to help him and his little sister; otherwise, sinister things may happen in a ghost village nearby.

Amanda M. Thrasher's The Ghost of Whispering Willow is about friendship, kindness, loyalty, compassion, resourcefulness, and family values. The young protagonists prove that real friendship is limitless and are ready to protect their ghost friends even when the situation becomes dangerous. Kendall shows compassion toward an elderly neighbor, Mrs. O'Riley, sensing her loneliness, in a beautiful and moving scene. Thrasher skillfully engages young readers in the story. The pace of the narrative is well-balanced, and the twists and turns will give chills even to adults. Readers will feel the uncanny ambiance of the haunted wood and the ghost village. The author uses simple yet unsettling descriptions to evoke readers' imaginations, foreshadowing more mysterious events. I like the excellent editorial work and recommend this captivating book to school libraries as well.

Carol Thompson

The Ghost of Whispering Willow by Amanda M. Thrasher is a supernatural tale filled with surprises, feuds, kidnappings, and the heartwarming reunion of a ghost family. The story begins with Stewart and his curious friend, Andy, who stumble upon a mysterious ghostly figure, setting off a chain of events that thrust them into the world of paranormal investigation. As they delve deeper into their ghostly encounter, they cross paths with a group of girls who share their eerie experiences. Together, they uncover a hidden ghost village haunted by souls in distress. The camaraderie between Stewart, Andy, and the girls is a testament to the power of teamwork and friendship in overcoming challenges, inspiring readers along the way.

The Ghost of Whispering Willow starts slowly but the pace picks up with plot twists and turns to keep readers interested. Amanda M. Thrasher’s haunting story isn’t so macabre that it will cause nightmares; it’s written so that it’s eerie, poignant, and fun—a perfect combination for young adult readers (and even adults!) The characters are memorable, and the plot will keep readers guessing until the end. Laura E. Weymouth and Bruce Coville fans will enjoy The Ghost of Whispering Willow. Whether you’re a fan of ghost stories or simply love a good adventure, this read promises to entertain. The young protagonists confront the supernatural and grapple with their fears and uncertainties, making them relatable and endearing to middle-grade readers. It's a nice paranormal coming-of-age story.

Pikasho Deka

Hop on for a supernatural mystery adventure with Amanda M. Thrasher's The Ghost of Whispering Willow. Stewart and his best friend Andy are the founders of a ghost hunter's club. After a mysterious encounter with a ghost, Stewart and Andy set up cameras, hoping to record their findings. They team up with the girls -- Maggie, Kendall, Krista, and Ally -- and soon discover two ghost siblings, a little girl named Margaret-Rose and her older brother Elias, playing by the willow trees. After Elias reveals his story of how he and Margaret-Rose were taken away from their family, Stewart and his friends decide to help them. However, the people in the ghost village are led by a dangerous man, and a face-off is imminent. Will Elias and Margaret-Rose reunite with their family and finally be free?

Author Amanda M. Thrasher infuses plenty of mystery, intrigue, and thrills in this fascinating supernatural adventure for preteens. Imagine The Famous Five with a paranormal touch, and you will end up with something like The Ghost of Whispering Willow. Thrasher's character work is stellar, and each passing chapter unravels the mystery bit by bit, keeping the reader thoroughly engrossed in the tale. Apart from Elias's plotline, the friendships were the main highlight of the book for me. Stewart and his friends make a formidable team, including the girls. I immensely enjoyed the humor and the lighthearted banter between the friends. Although primarily written for preteen readers, I think even young adults will enjoy this supernatural tale. So grab a copy and join in for an adventure with ghosts!