The Gentleman With A Thousand Faces

A Lovecraftian Superhero Saga

Fiction - Adventure
319 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joshua Olokodana for Readers' Favorite

As the world's political balance reaches a tipping point, Adrian P. exposes the role of supernatural forces in this delicate balance. In The Gentleman With a Thousand Faces, Mitch, a Native American first officer of Pearl Airlines who was traumatized by experiences of injustice while growing up, is the protagonist. On one of his flights, he is saved from disaster by a mysterious interdimensional being named Eqyrus. Eqyrus, being one of the Dydals who guards the Cosmos, recruits Mitch as Blue, the first champion of the Dydals, to fight against the invasion of the Zins, whose aim is to destroy the Human Realm with Quyto, a famed Zin trickster. However, Mitch is not alone. He is joined by Bobby (Orange), a mute zookeeper; Parka (Red), a woman who remains anonymous; and Farhan, a charismatic Jordanian prince (Green), as he takes up the daunting task of saving humanity.

The Gentleman With A Thousand Faces is a visually stimulating tale that makes you imagine high-powered fight scenes with special effects as if it were a movie. The storyline rekindles the age-old debate about justice and injustice and presents the viewpoints of both the victor and the vanquished. Its modern-day setting and depiction of real-life places give it a realistic feel. I liked how Adrian P. paid attention to the details of each character, especially Mitch, whose tendency to have internal conversations with himself made me find his personality relatable. I also liked that Adrian did not bog the reader down with excessive backstories, instead escalating events just a few pages in, which added to the entertainment value of the book. Although fiction, the premise of The Gentleman With a Thousand Faces shows how there's always more to it than meets the eye in many situations, especially when it involves humans, secrets, and the supernatural. It is an exciting fantasy that young adults and superhero buffs would enjoy.

K.C. Finn

The Gentleman With A Thousand Faces: A Lovecraftian Superhero Saga by Adrian P. is an adventurous blend of cosmic horror and superhero fiction. The story follows Mitch, a Native American pilot haunted by his father's death, who becomes the reluctant Blue Champion after an encounter with a cosmic guardian. Alongside three other champions, he must confront an interdimensional threat led by the shapeshifting entity Quyto. As the champions struggle with personal demons and a looming invasion, they must unite to save humanity from annihilation. This book is a fresh new fusion of Lovecraftian cosmic horror with a modern superhero narrative, offering an original and intriguing take on both genres that I really enjoyed the more engrossed I got.

The complex, multidimensional characters draw readers into the drama from the very opening scenes, especially the protagonist Mitch, whose internal struggles with grief and identity make him vulnerable and relatable as a hero despite his incredible abilities. His interactions with the other champions are packed with vibrant dialogue that moves the story on naturally and with great wit and charm. The world around the champions is vividly detailed and atmospheric, with the cosmic elements heightening the sense of dread and urgency everywhere they turn. This makes for an action-packed plot with never a dull moment. There is a building theme of existential questions often present in classic Lovecraftian tales that slowly bubbles to the surface for some thought-provoking and exciting conclusions. Overall, The Gentleman With A Thousand Faces by Adrian P. is a highly engrossing fantasy that I would not hesitate to recommend to fans of unique fiction.

Carol Thompson

The Gentleman with a Thousand Faces is a unique and intriguing blend of Lovecraftian horror and superhero saga, offering a fresh and innovative take on the superhero genre. Author Adrian P. skillfully blends psychological suspense with cosmic horror, paying tribute to Fujiko Fujio's creative legacy while venturing into a complex narrative of self-identity, morality, and survival. The story follows Mitch, a Native American pilot who stumbles upon an extraordinary destiny. As Mitch navigates his responsibilities as a pilot, he’s thrust into a bizarre world of alien beings and cosmic threats. The narrative expertly balances Mitch's internal struggles with his conflicted feelings about leadership, self-worth, and the masks he wears to shield himself from the harsh realities of life.

The Lovecraftian elements heighten the sense of otherworldly danger by introducing the Zin invaders and Dydals. Adrian P. excels in crafting atmospheric tension, with the storm scenes and Mitch's surreal encounters giving the story a dreamlike and ominous quality, intensifying the reader's experience. The protagonist's journey, literally and figuratively, feels deeply personal and relatable, drawing readers into his struggles even as the story’s scope expands into cosmic battles and existential threats. While the novel’s pacing is sometimes uneven, it adds intrigue to the world-building, which is masterfully done. The Gentleman with a Thousand Faces is a thought-provoking and genre-bending superhero tale. It’s a well-told story with minimal violence, so it's suitable for young adults and adults. Adrian P. delivers a memorable and captivating read for fans of Lovecraftian horror and superhero narratives that they won’t want to miss.