The Distance Between

Bobbie Lamont #2

Fiction - General
302 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2015
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Author Biography

Zelmer Wilson (1975- ) was born in Fort Collins, Colorado. At the age of three, he moved with his family to Fort Smith, Arkansas. He would live there until he was eleven years old. In the summer of 1986, he left Arkansas and moved to Phoenix, Arizona with his father and stepmother. During the summer of 1990, while visiting his mother and two sisters in Birmingham, Alabama, he discovered his calling in life, to be a writer. His debut novel, In the Middle, is inspired by his own difficult teenage years in Phoenix, Arizona.

His influences are Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski, Larry Brown, Janet Fitch, and James Ellroy.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Chris Fischer for Readers' Favorite

Twenty-one-year-old Bobbie Lamont has had enough. Tired of everything her life has to offer, she’s not sure where to go next. In author Zelmer Wilson’s fourth installment of the Bobbie Lamont series, The Distance Between, we find Bobbie at a real crossroads in her life. She’s just graduated from Tulane University, and she thinks now will be the time that her relationship with English professor Lawrence Harris will finally progress to the next stage. Instead, she finds herself dumped right after graduation, and truly alone for the first time in several years. Finding herself at a loose end as she has time before she needs to move to New York to start her new job, she decides to spend the time with her Aunt Gina in Birmingham, Alabama. It’s there that she meets her next love, the lovely but troubled Miller Hoffman. Their relationship is complicated by Miller’s youth, the objections of his mother, her aunt’s reservations, and Bobbie’s impending move, but the young couple is determined to make it work.

The Distance Between is an engaging, engrossing read that will have you sucked in from the very first page. Author Zelmer Wilson’s most recent entry in his winning series featuring Bobbie Lamont will keep you rooting for young Bobbie and her new love, even through all of the obstacles they face. The Distance Between will appeal to any reader who loves romances, stories about couples facing difficult odds, and those who like a good read in general. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and very much look forward to Mr. Wilson’s next work.

Michelle Randall

With college graduation only recently behind her, Bobbie Lamont had given up on life; she thought she had experienced all life had to offer and that she would never find love again. Enter Miller, a young and somewhat different seventeen-year-old, who spent the summer teaching Bobbie that there was so much more yet to experience in life. The Distance Between is the story of young love, and not so young love, of a seventeen-year-old and a twenty-two-year-old, but who have so much in common, and who teach each other how to live again. Author Zelmer Wilson takes a typical girl been dumped response - there is nothing else out there - and turns it into a new adventure with someone completely unexpected.

The Distance Between is a unique look at emotions and thoughts. Bobbie is a deeply emotional person, writing everything down into many pages of diary, yet when she is dumped by her latest boyfriend, she is ready to give up. To run into another reader/writer like herself in Miller, even if he is five years younger than her seems like the lifeline she needs and it becomes just that. Author Zelmer Wilson not only writes about the life of this one character, Bobbie Lamont, but about the need of all people to be able to connect with someone that sees the world the same way they do, regardless of age or distance. Although the book is filled with a lot of drinking and smoking, typical of the time period that it is written in, I still feel it is a good read for young adults as well as adults. There are some good things to be learned here.

Kathryn Bennett

The Distance Between: Bobbie Lamont #4 by Zelmer Wilson takes the reader back into the life of Bobbie Lamont. While most people have a great transitional time the summer after they graduate from college, Bobbi has a harder time. She has lost the relationship she was in with her English professor and now she has no will to carry on with life. Bobbie believes that a life without love is a life not worth living and she is sure that she will never fall in love again. That is until she meets Miller Hoffman. Bobbie feels this is love at first sight and, despite the objections of others in her and Miller's life, she will let her heart speak and love Miller as hard as she can.

I think we can all relate a little bit to Bobbie as a character, I know I can. We have all loved and lost, and anyone who has lived for a time knows that there are some loves that seem impossible to go on without. However, the heart carries on and love can be found again. I am not sure I agree with love at first sight like Bobbie, but I truly do enjoy going through the journey with her as she struggles and then finds Miller. Zelmer Wilson has a way of writing that makes the story feel very real for the reader and I found myself getting lost within the pages of the story. The imagery is well done and you can clearly see the characters and feel what they are going through. I truly enjoyed my time spent with Bobbie and I would recommend any reader who wants a story they can relate to should give this book and the series a try.