The Collectibles

Fiction - General
309 Pages
Reviewed on 01/26/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Fran L. for Readers' Favorite

The Collectibles by author James J. Kaufman introduces the reader to two men: Joe Hart and Preston Wilson. Joe a prominent attorney and Preston the owner of many auto dealerships. One coming up from the bottom the other born with a silver spoon. Two men from different worlds are connected by a childhood incident 30 years ago. Joe Hart's heroic deed would come front and center when he reconnects with a man named Preston. One a respected attorney who worked his way up from the bottom after losing his parents as a child and living out his youth with his uncle and aunt's guidance. The other, having every advantage in life and abusing the privileges afforded to him. Preston Wilson's father is a man whose dreams are only in his mind. From his father he gets his looks and his mother would come wealth. But, growing up would not yield him much success in life. Joe Hart was determined to become a financial success at all costs. An attorney by profession his life intertwines with Preston and why will not endear you to Preston as his life takes a downward spiral, his marriage failing and his entire empire crumbling. Can Joe Hart save what he worked for? Preston Wilson has to agree to of his terms. First, to fully disclose all of the information needed and presented to him within his time frame. Second, only the truth and finally to do whatever he needs done without question. The third would involve a group of people Joe refers to as the Collectibles. People from all walks of life that he has helped in the past and now wants Preston to help for personal reasons.

Joe Hart is an amazing man but something happens that changes the course of his life and now he calls in his marker to Preston and he has to take over caring for Harry a photographer who is bipolar. Missy an abused wife who is now a waitress, Corey an woodworker with Alzheimer's, Johnny a young man who is mentally challenged and Tommy a gambler. What Preston does for them and how they change his life, his perspective and understanding of what really matters will endear you not only to him but to each of the Collectibles too? One man named Joe Hart, one irrevocable request, many lessons in life learned by Preston, and the other five people who he comes to know, endears himself to and who teach him the true meaning of what is important in life. Just how, you need to read for yourself as you hear their stories told in their own words and come to know and understand just why Joe Hart needed to their friendship as much as they needed him to guide them back to life and its many precious gifts.

Author James Kaufman takes us on a journey through one man's life good times and a tragedy that rocks his world and teaches each of the characters through his actions what real friendship means, understanding of others, rising above your selfish needs and thinking of others before yourself. As Preston learns the reason behind Joe's third request he rises to the occasion, rises to the task and forges ahead with his promise to fulfill the third condition set out by Joe before agreeing to help him fix his financial problems. A wife who left and is angry about how things were handled and just wanted some honesty and more time with Preston. A young girl named Missy who enlightens him to how he might fix it in the end. A group of people that are so far removed from who Preston is and might be and yet each enriches his life more than his own family did growing up. Many issues are brought to light as friendships are sealed, loyalties and bonds formed and one man named Joe Hart made it all possible. What is his fate? Why did he make this final condition? Author James Kaufman gives the reader much food for thought in this outstanding thought provoking and heartwarming novel of hope, despair, and honesty all told in The Collectibles. One book that teaches you the true meaning of life.