The Boy With Video Game Powers

Children - Action
152 Pages
Reviewed on 06/12/2024
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Author Biography

R.L. Ullman is the bestselling, award-winning author of books for young readers, including the EPIC ZERO series, the UNLEGENDARY DRAGON series, the MONSTER PROBLEMS series, and the PETUNIA THE UNICORN series. He writes funny, action-packed stories that get kids to put down their screens and pick up a book! R.L. lives in Connecticut with his wife, son, and two freeloading dogs with unusually strong editorial opinions. You can find out more about R.L. at

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Hop on for an action-packed fantasy adventure with R.L. Ullman's The Boy With Video Game Powers. Milo Garret is excited to start sixth grade at the prestigious Empire City Magnet School. However, he also wants to keep his spot as the top-ranked player in the online Ranger's Quest video game. After acquiring the ultra-rare Glitch Ring in the game, Milo is shocked to see it appearing on his finger. Additionally, he starts seeing character attributes of Ranger Quest floating over people's heads in real life. He meets an NPC named Greylore, who tells him that the Demons of Havoc from an alternate reality called the Gameverse have entered Milo's world, and he must stop them from acquiring the three Keys of Convergence. Using his new video game powers as Pixel Man, Milo must now save the world.

Gamers and progression fantasy fans will absolutely love this book. R.L. Ullman takes readers on an absorbing and adventurous ride featuring a potent combination of thrilling action sequences, mystery, and a healthy dose of magic that you don't want to end. Ullman's characters are likable and easy to root for. Milo is the type of protagonist readers will want to see succeed. He resembles many real-life preteen gamers who love to indulge in multiplayer online role-playing games. Like other progression fantasy stories, Milo acquires new abilities after completing each task and beating the Demon Spawn. There is a shocking twist toward the end that I can honestly say I didn't see coming. In conclusion, The Boy With Video Game Powers is a fantastic book for young readers.

Antoinette Wessels

The Boy with Video Game Powers by R.L. Ullman is an adventurous story for 13-year-olds that can be read and enjoyed by both girls and boys. Milo loves playing video games; his whole world is video games. His favorite game, Ranger Quest, has made an ultra-rare mystery item available only to the top players. Milo is one of them. That afternoon, Milo goes home with the sole intention of getting this item. With Milo’s excellent gaming skills, he claims the item, but the system crashes and all his hard work is lost. Feeling defeated, Milo goes to bed with a heavy heart. The following day, Milo wakes up with a ring on his finger, and soon enough, he realizes that his world is now a video game, and he, as the wearer of the ring, has to save everyone from the monsters coming from an alternate universe.

If you love adventure and wish life were a video game, you will love The Boy with Video Game Powers by R.L. Ullman. Fast-paced and easy to read, this is a great story. What I found most enjoyable about the book was that Milo was never depicted as an invincible hero but was an everyday typical teenager. This built the suspense; you were never sure if Milo would defeat the next monster and save the day. The book also ends with a big plot twist that will leave you speechless; it was not something I saw coming. This adventurous tale even has a little romance written into it, broadening the readership to include girls. The Boy with Video Game Powers can even be read by adults who want a change of scenery from the serious side of life. It was a delightful read, and I would recommend it to anyone.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

The Boy with Video Game Powers is the first book in a series by R.L. Ullman. After he's offered a place at the Empire City Magnet School, Milo Garret begins classes there in the middle of his sixth-grade year. He connects with Leon Williams, a fellow video gamer who is allergic to almost everything, and they share an obsession with the game Ranger Quest. Milo is a star in the gaming world, and the game's founder issues a challenge to locate a mysterious object. Milo succeeds in the quest, but his triumph cripples the game. As everyone loses their highly coveted weapons, skill levels, and magic, Milo gains a puzzling ring he can't take off. He discovers he must fight creatures who are trying to invade his city with only the powers of the ring and a non-playable character to guide him.

Reading R.L. Ullman's book is like being inside a video game. I could see the events play out in my mind like I was witnessing them. The illustrations of the items in Milo's inventory window made his selections seem real, and the descriptions of the ogre, skeleton, and demons were highly detailed. The book lightly addresses bullying, and Milo's and Leon's different reactions when faced with the same threat, showing the consequences of their actions. Ullman's characters are diverse, displaying qualities like courage, intelligence, and humor, even though evil forces are trying to invade the world. Middle-graders who are entertained by magical realism and any reader who likes to read about video games in stories will enjoy The Boy with Video Game Powers.

Diana Lopez

The Boy With Video Game Powers by R.L. Ullman tells the story of Milo, a quiet boy new to a prestigious school. He feels a little special because he does not excel in any subject. At the same time, he compares himself to his character in Ranger Quest, an online video game where he is admired for his skill. One day, while Milo is playing, he acquires the Glitch Ring, and this object suddenly appears in his hand. From that moment on, he can do things in real life that only happen in Ranger Quest. Greylore, an older man, warns him about a great danger: The Gameverse is an alternate universe dominated by evil. There are powerful forces in the place that have discovered our reality and want to conquer us. Now, Milo must balance his school life, improve his skills, and protect the world from new threats.

I loved Milo's sense of humor and how the story is told from his perspective. The author uses simple and natural language, making it easy to empathize with Milo. In addition, the writing style is fluid with detailed descriptions. The story is full of action and it feels like being inside a video game because of the attention to detail. Milo can see each person's stats, collect items, and add them to his inventory, among other things. The plot is intense, with increasingly complicated missions and more powerful opponents. The variety of environments is also fascinating, as each confrontation takes place in a different area. The Boy With Video Game Powers by R.L. Ullman proves that both in life and in video games, the more challenges you face, the more chances you have to level up.

Kayleigh Perumal

The Boy with Video Game Powers by R. L. Ullman blurs the line between virtuality and reality. Milo Garrett’s life is rearranged completely when his favorite video game, Ranger Quest, experiences a glitch just as he’s about to acquire an ultra-rare mystery item. But when the game crashes, something bizarre happens, and the world as he knows it is transformed. With the magic powers afforded to him by the Glitch Ring, TheMightyMilo#1, as he’s known in the game, must learn how to adapt in real life when faced with enemies outside his gaming expertise. Now, leveling up is no longer about getting the highest score – it’s a matter of life and death. Can Milo defeat the creatures from the Gameverse before it’s too late?

R. L. Ullman’s The Boy with Video Game Powers is an entertaining read for all ages, but especially preteens. Milo is a relatable and likable protagonist because he deals with ordinary juvenile tribulations (starting a new school, facing bullies, and having a crush). However, what makes Milo special is that he must do this while navigating his newfound abilities. The book explores Milo’s growing self-confidence and delves into his personal relationships, including with his mother, who is a police officer, and his kindly neighbor, Ms Rosario, who looks after him while his mom is at work. One of the most appealing aspects is the humor. I mainly found Louis, Milo’s quirky friend and self-appointed sidekick, funny. I’m excited to see what the second book in the series has to offer. If you want to immerse yourself in a vivid, alternate world, then this is a great choice for you.