The AndroBiotica File

Nearly Human

Fiction - Science Fiction
112 Pages
Reviewed on 11/27/2023
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Author Biography

During my career in marketing communications, I began writing fiction. To date, I’ve published eleven novels/novellas, including the popular Silver Sphere Series. Please visit for a complete book list and awards.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

David Gittlin's novella, The AndroBiotica File, follows the story of Agent Derrick Faulk, a high-ranking investigator for the National Science Service. Along with a fellow agent, Aurora Zolotov, they race to find the person responsible for a technology breach. They speak with Adrien Mattias, the president of the AndroBiotica Corporation, and deepen their knowledge about AI, which they know as Alive Intelligence. When they seem to reach a roadblock in their investigation, Mattias reveals a secret that may help the agents solve their investigation. However, the secret and the surrounding circumstances are so deep they could change the way Agent Faulk and Agent Zolotov view their lives, time, and space.

David Gittlin takes sci-fi to a new level! With fantastical tech advancements, right down to color-changing walls and artificial intelligence that is human in almost every way, Gittlin enthralls his readers with attention to detail. It's almost impossible to fully convey the extent of advancements in a novella, but the author focuses on two important aspects of science and delivers an enhanced vision to his readers. Derrick and Aurora are layered characters, and the reader learns a lot about them from Derrick's thoughts and a brief flash into Aurora's mind. The agents are on a timeline to solve the crime, and the reader gets pulled in quickly, learning the reason for the specially emphasized words the author has italicized. The AndroBiotica File is a good selection for readers who enjoy science fiction with a hint of action and romance.

Kimberlee J Benart

The AndroBiotica File: Nearly Human is a science fiction novella by David Gittlin. The National Security Agency has hired the AndroBiotica company to manufacture ten human-like androids and is testing them on top-secret missions. When a copy of the schematics and manufacturing instructions for the androids disappears from the company files, the NSA tasks the National Science Service to find the stolen file and arrest the perpetrator before the technology can fall into the wrong hands or be sold to criminals or terrorist organizations around the world where it could wreak havoc on civilization. Deputy First-Class Investigator Derrick Faulk and his partner Aurora Zolotov are selected for the dangerous task, only to find that the investigation leads in directions and places that they couldn’t have imagined.

In The AndroBiotica File: Nearly Human, David Gittlin gives us an utterly engaging, fast-paced technothriller filled with surprising twists and turns. I enjoyed it, especially when it morphed into a more complex storyline. Although it’s narrated primarily in the voice of Derrick Faulk, there are strategic point-of-view changes to give the reader insight into the thoughts and actions of other key characters, particularly Aurora and a renegade android she encounters. Faulk’s personality, intuitive nature, and emotional depth are portrayed through his ruminations about life, work, the urgent task at hand, and his deeply felt but restrained attraction to the beautiful Aurora. More importantly, the AndroBiotica File raises societal issues and ethical questions about how distinct or blurry the boundary between humans and artificial beings should be.

Edith Wairimu

In David Gittlin’s witty and thought-provoking technothriller, The AndroBiotica File: Nearly Human, two agents investigate a fascinating case involving the disappearance of an unauthorized file with manufacturing instructions for creating nearly human androids. National Science Service investigative agents Aurora and Faulk try to find the sensitive file before it ends up in the wrong hands. Surprising twists arise in the story as their investigation leads them into a parallel world. Stakes rise as Aurora and Faulk get closer to solving the case. Gittlin explores the characters’ personal lives, intertwining them with the main plot. Through the plot, the work examines timely and important themes about the potential impact and risks of artificial intelligence.

This is an outstanding offering that brilliantly explores current technology concerns and deftly incorporates its themes into the lives of its true-to-life lead characters. Gittlin has crafted an immersive novella with an engaging plot and characters. Its pace is swift which helps maintain the suspense and move the story forward. Each scene is well crafted and the characters are fleshed out. I loved that the story is believable with captivating scenes and I found its other-worldly aspects exciting. The author does a great job of creating parallel realms with similarities that evoke questions about the future of Earth and the effects of artificial intelligence. The AndroBiotica File: Nearly Human by David Gittlin is an incredible novella with intriguing themes, unexpected turns, and unforgettable characters. Readers will find it an eye-opening and engrossing read. Looking forward to reading more of Gittlin’s work.