The Adventures of Dori

A Rescue Pup

Children - Adventure
34 Pages
Reviewed on 04/05/2024
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Author Biography

Kathleen Conway is the co-author of The Adventures of Dori, A Rescue Pup! Kathleen is a former military veteran (Air Force) and works fulltime in the health care industry as an Occupational Therapist. Kathleen's passion behind the book was to share Dori with the world, while bringing awareness to rescue animals. Kathleen is already dreaming up more fun escapades featuring rescue animals.

Juanita Ellis is a first-time author and co-wrote the Adventures of Dori, A Rescue Pup to spread awareness about rescue dogs, and to share a little bit of Dori's spirit with others around the world! Juanita enjoys spending time with family, both human and furry, and enjoys trips to the beaches of NC and the mountains of TN. Juanita works full-time in the consumer service industry as an HR Executive.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The Adventures of Dori: A Rescue Pup is a heartwarming children's picture book written by Kathleen Conway and Juanita Ellis, with illustrations by TullipStudio. The story revolves around Dori, who is a lovely white puppy living in a cozy cottage by the sea. Dori enjoys spending her days playing and running around the beach with her friends, Benito and Jillian. One day, while playing on the beach, the trio discovers a starfish that needs help. The starfish's limb is trapped in a bottle, and it cannot free itself. Dori and her friends immediately spring into action to rescue the poor creature and release it back into the sea. The incident leaves Dori feeling uneasy, and she decides to team up with her friends and other beachgoers to clean up the trash polluting the beach and the sea.

The Adventures of Dori: A Rescue Pup by Kathleen Conway and Juanita Ellis is a delightful book that teaches children about the importance of environmental protection and helping others in need. Through Dori's adventures, young readers are inspired to be mindful of their surroundings and experience the joy of friendship and working together. The characters are cute and beautifully depicted in the colorful illustrations. I particularly appreciated the tiny details, such as the different colored collars that distinguish Dori and her friends. The book also raises awareness about animal rescue and protection, which is a worthy cause to champion and support. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend adding it to your children's reading collection.