That Thing You Brew

Romance - Comedy
276 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

In Kerry Evelyn's That Thing You Brew, Denver Edge’s star defenseman Xavier finds his life intertwined with that of Penny, a shy barista at the Bevvie Bar whose toffee coffee seems to bring him luck on the ice. The slush-filled streets of Palmer City match Xavier’s mood as he races to his favorite coffee shop, only to discover it has been sold, potentially losing his pre-game ritual and the woman behind it. Amidst this turmoil, Xavier is confronted with a family obligation: to marry soon or lose his inheritance. With his performance already under scrutiny after missing several games, Xavier must navigate his feelings for Penny and the looming threat to his career, all while trying to fulfill his grandfather's dying wish. The stakes are high, and time is running out for Xavier to find a way to save the Bevvie Bar, win Penny’s heart, and secure his future both on and off the ice.

What makes That Thing You Brew stand out in the romantic comedy genre is its seamless blend of humor, heartfelt moments, and engaging character development. Xavier's journey is compelling, balancing his professional challenges with personal dilemmas, while Penny’s evolution from a reserved barista to a pivotal character adds depth to the narrative. The plot intertwines their lives through witty coffee cup messages and shared moments, creating a slow-burn romance that keeps readers invested. Kerry Evelyn masterfully weaves multiple storylines, from the high-energy world of professional hockey to the cozy charm of the Bevvie Bar, making the setting both vibrant and relatable. Fans of the genre will appreciate the chemistry between Xavier and Penny, the stakes that drive the narrative, and the delightful mix of romance and comedy. With its unique premise, memorable characters, and a satisfying blend of tension and humor, That Thing You Brew is a must-read for anyone seeking a heartwarming and entertaining romantic escape.