Terms and Conditions

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
394 Pages
Reviewed on 05/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Terms and Conditions by Liam Kennel is a compelling read for young adult fans of science fiction and adventure novels. Thirteen-year-old Nick Lucifay is not moved by the death of her estranged father, David Harrington. She is also not particularly close with her workaholic mother, Karleen. After meeting a mysterious woman at David's funeral, Nick becomes strangely invisible to her teachers and schoolmates, except for one girl named Dawn. But Dawn is abducted while trying to save Nick from the young kidnapper who confused Dawn with her. Soon, stricken with guilt, Nick finds herself facing a powerful alien force that plans to take over Earth. Nick must solve intriguing riddles to save her life and maybe her planet.

In Terms and Conditions, Liam Kennel demonstrates the character traits necessary to survive in dire circumstances. Nick is an interesting protagonist. She is not a hero in the traditional sense. Yet Nick leaves us impressed with her skills and abilities. This novel turns our perception of a "chosen hero destined to fight evil and save the world" upside down, thanks to a good pinch of dark humor. Kennel also explores guilt and fear as motivators and driving forces behind decision-making. This action-packed and well-paced novel catches readers' attention from the opening chapters. As we continue following Nick's adventures, the plot thickens and offers many astonishing revelations, twists, and turns. The book has psychological depth and rich imagery, like a snakelike alien named Eto or the whimsical concept of belligerent rabbits. I highly recommend this entertaining book.

Divine Zape

Liam Kennel's Terms and Conditions is an electrifying journey into the life of protagonist Nick Lucifay, where danger and deception lurk around every corner. The narrative opens with the sudden demise of Nick's estranged father, catapulting her into a vortex of unforeseen events that challenge her at every turn. Kennel's masterful storytelling propels readers into Nick's tumultuous world, from the eerie ambiance of the funeral reception to the surreal encounter with a headless boy. It keeps readers riveted from the opening pages to the final climax.

At the heart of the story lies the enthralling dynamic between Nick and the enigmatic characters she encounters on her odyssey. From the straightforward yet mysterious Jill Spriggins to the manipulative Exflibberaguil, each character brings a sense of mystery into the narrative, enthralling readers with their hidden motives and shifting allegiances. Kennel's prose is sharp, and the author has a unique gift for an economy of words. The descriptions are apt, and the imagery is wonderfully accomplished. Terms and Conditions transcend mere storytelling to become a gripping tale of survival and discovery. As Nick faces challenges thrown at her, readers are drawn deeper into the narrative, rooting for her every step of the way. Liam Kennel has the extraordinary ability to craft a richly immersive and colorful world, blending mystery with realism and opening a world to readers where the lines between dream and waking, fiction and reality blur. I was fully invested in this breezy tale from the opening page to the very last.

Ruffina Oserio

Terms and Conditions by Liam Kennel is a mesmerizing journey into a world of mystery, danger, and self-discovery. Nick Lucifay has just lost her estranged father, and a schoolmate is kidnapped. As Nick struggles with grief and uncertainty, she embarks on an adventure filled with unimaginable challenges and unexpected allies. Now, she has to deal with more than she ever imagined — a condescending alien, dangerous rabbits, and a conspiracy to take over the world. What is her role in keeping the world safe, and can she muster up the courage to accept it? Nick experiences fear, doubt, and betrayal, and must confront her inner demons and find the strength to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

Liam Kennel is an author I love. The writing is top-notch, and, like some of my favorite authors, this author keeps the chapters short and builds conflict and tension through each one. The paragraph breaks are timely and structured to enhance the drama. Characterization is impeccable. From the inscrutable Exflibberaguil to Mahogany, Kennel delivers a series of complex relationships that keep readers wanting to know more. Scenes such as Nick's encounter with the blunt and unconventional Jill Spriggins or her tense confrontation with the mysterious Esther create intrigue. The vivid descriptions and pulse-pounding action combine with emotionally rich scenes to offer overall satisfaction for readers. Whether navigating treacherous hallways filled with mutant creatures or unraveling the mysteries of a labyrinthine facility, Nick's journey is filled with suspense and excitement from start to finish. Terms and Conditions is a gripping tale of survival and self-discovery in a mission forced upon an unlikely heroine. This twisty fantasy is, indeed, a page-turner.

Pikasho Deka

Terms and Conditions is a young adult science fiction novel by Liam Kennel. Shaken by the loss of her estranged father, thirteen-year-old Nicole 'Nick' Lucifay is further distressed by the fact that everyone seems to stop noticing her, except for one girl in her school, Dawn Alderbury. One day, while returning home, Nick and Dawn come across a flame-haired alien who promptly kidnaps Dawn, assuming her to be Nick. Not too long after, aliens also successfully abduct Nick. Forced to sign a terms and conditions contract, Nick learns that she must stay one month in captivity to cure herself of an alien virus. She makes a reluctant pact with the Ophidian, Exfliberraguil, to stop the Rabbits from taking over Earth. But not everything goes according to plan, as the Rabbits are playing their own game.

Liam Kennel offers young adult sci-fi readers an engaging yarn filled with mystery, suspense, and intrigue. Terms and Conditions is a wild rollercoaster of a ride featuring multiple alien races and an unpredictable plot that keeps pulling the rug out from under your feet over and over again. Until the last few pages, you have no idea how and where the story will end. Kennel has written some genuinely authentic characters full of quirks and distinct personalities as aliens. Nick is not the traditional hero. She often chooses survival over doing the heroic thing, which ironically ends up saving her life. I found her dynamic with Exfliberraguil really funny and compelling. Overall, this is an entertaining sci-fi novel, parts of which play out like a coming-of-age story. Recommended to young adult readers.

K.C. Finn

Terms and Conditions is a work of fiction in the science fiction, interpersonal drama, and adventure genres penned by author Liam Kennel for the young adult reading audience. Our plot follows Nick Lucifay, who is constantly encumbered by the pressure she feels to plaster an artificial smile on her face every day. When her father passes away and a schoolmate is abducted, Nick is thrust into an unwanted adventure. She faces obstacles like an alien with a bad attitude, bunnies with a penchant for causing trouble, and a world-domination plot that couldn’t have worse timing. Will she overcome her fear and save the world, or succumb to selfishness and apathy?

Author Liam Kennel has crafted an exhilarating journey through Nick's struggles with identity and responsibility. The plot is packed with interesting twists, alien encounters, and larger-than-life characters at every turn. Kennel's witty prose and imaginative world-building are sure to have readers hooked right from the start, with a unique narration style that blends humor with moments of genuine tension, then rockets off into the next sci-fi twist so that there’s never a dull moment. Nick's evolution from reluctance to bravery was compelling, showing the transformative power of facing one's fears, and it was beautifully paced to happen naturally alongside the many challenges that she faces. The themes of courage and selflessness bubble under the surface as this journey takes place, and, combined with Nick’s authentic dialogue and vivid descriptions of action and thought, a character we’ve grown to love goes from strength to strength. Overall, I would certainly recommend Terms and Conditions to fans of emotive and highly entertaining YA dramas everywhere, especially those with a passion for alien, sci-fi adventures!