Tangled Verdict

Fiction - Thriller - General
96 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In Tangled Verdict by Katherine Smith Dedrick, poised U.S. Senate candidate Victoria faces a crisis when false allegations of misconduct surface during a critical speech, sparking a media frenzy. With her licenses and reputation at risk, Victoria's team swiftly engages in damage control. Jenny, a trusted confidante, stands by her side as Victoria addresses the accusations publicly and seeks evidence to refute the jury tampering claims. Amidst the turmoil, Victoria, Jenny, and her lawyer, Cal, attempt to gather crucial information from foreperson Mary Ellen Spanberger, only to find her dead with Victoria's fingerprints on the door. This unforeseen turn amplifies the stakes, threatening Victoria's election prospects and freedom. With the clock ticking and numerous unanswered questions, the team races against time to clear Victoria's name and uncover the truth behind Spanberger's death.

Victoria is the Latin word for 'victory', and throughout the entirety of Tangled Verdict by Katherine Smith Dedrick, there is nothing more that we want for our protagonist. She is an extraordinarily well-developed character for a story that is short but still packs a big punch, with Dedrick showing Victoria's focus and intelligence in scenes like her rapid-fire questioning style and her insistence on short, precise answers and a no-nonsense approach. We are able to see a woman who is accustomed to control and who has a powerful presence start to chip away. Still, the dynamic between Victoria's urgency and Cal's cautious, unruffled style makes them a perfectly imperfect match. It also makes the coming together of puzzle pieces much more fun. Dedrick does well in methodically handing those pieces over, and while in the back of our minds we can begin to see what is coming, the explosive twist of an ending shatters what we thought we knew. Victory, indeed. Very highly recommended.