Switching Tracks

Out of the Trash

Fiction - Dystopia
402 Pages
Reviewed on 10/31/2023
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Author Biography

Award-winning author Lena Gibson is a storyteller as an elementary school teacher and keeper of the family lore. She holds a First Class Honors degree in Archaeology, with minors in History, Biology, Geography, and Environmental Education from Simon Fraser University.
A voracious reader from childhood onward, Lena seeks wonderful books in which to escape. Because of her passion for different genres, she combines elements of many in her writing. As an adult newly recognized with autism, she often creates characters that reflect this experience.
When Lena isn’t writing, she reads, practices karate, and drinks a ton of tea. She resides in New Westminster, Canada with her family and their fuzzy overlord, Ash, the fluffiest of gray cats.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Scott Cahan for Readers' Favorite

Switching Tracks by Lena Gibson is an action-adventure love story set in a post-apocalyptic world. The story follows Elsa, a young woman barely surviving by scrounging for treasures in trash heaps. When she discovers a valuable artifact, her simple life suddenly becomes dark and complex. Elsa refuses to sell the artifact, knowing it’s the key to a better life for herself and her friends and family. Corrupt men from an evil corporation known as GreenCorps want Elsa’s treasure and will stop at nothing to get it. As Elsa’s life spirals out of control, she meets Walker, a train-hopping drifter. At first, Elsa is as suspicious of Walker as she is of all the other strange men after her. But when all hope looks lost, Elsa finds that Walker is the only one she can trust. Elsa and Walker take the artifact and flee for their lives with trouble close on their heels.

Switching Tracks is set in a broken world where human beings are driven to their natural extremes. It’s the clash between the good in some and the evil in others that makes Switching Tracks a joy to read. This book takes a deep dive into the hearts and minds of each of its main characters. They are all interesting and distinct with relatable personalities, good or bad. The plot moves at a considerable pace from one tense moment to the next. There are enough satisfying twists and turns to keep readers guessing about what will happen next. Fans of on-the-run love stories will find much to enjoy within the pages. Though the danger is never far away from Elsa and Walker, their steamy relationship takes center stage for much of the story. I highly recommend Switching Tracks by Lena Gibson for readers who like exciting love stories full of danger and passion.