Sunday Rain

Lantana Global Picture Books

Children - Adventure
32 Pages
Reviewed on 06/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Louise Hill for Readers' Favorite

Sunday Rain (Lantana Global Picture Books) written by Rosie J. Pova and illustrated by Amariah Rauscher is a fun and imaginative picture book for young children. A young boy called Elliott moves into a new home with his mum and dad. Elliott likes to spend his time reading adventurous books and getting lost in them. One day, Elliott is reading a rather exciting book about a princess, but what Elliott soon realizes is that there is an adventure to be had outside. After a storm settles, Elliott looks out of his window and sees some children playing in the rain. Will Elliott embark on a new adventure and make some friends in the process? Find out in this book.

Sunday Rain (Lantana Global Picture Books) is a book children are going to love and learn from. It is short, sweet, and entertaining throughout. I loved the title. Children will enjoy reading about Elliott's adventures and learn to have the courage to step outside their comfort zone. I'm certain it will inspire them to pursue new friendships and to go and have fun in the rain from time to time. The writing by the talented Rosie J. Pova is professional, simple, and more importantly, fun! Amariah Rauscher's illustrations are colorful and vibrant and will attract the attention of young readers from the moment they see the cover. I know children far and wide will love reading this wonderful book. Keep up the great work, Rosie and Amariah. I hope to read more soon.