
Teacher's Choice Holiday Favorites

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Sunday by Janice Garden Macdonald is a heartwarming children’s picture book that follows a boy who loves Sundays because he can dress in his best and spend time with his loved ones. Unfortunately, today is not Sunday; it is Monday, and he has to help his mother with chores. He eagerly anticipates Sunday by counting down the days. On Tuesday, he needs to attend daycare, and on Wednesday and Thursday, he bakes and shares cupcakes and helps clean the yard. By Friday and Saturday, he does his laundry and tidies his room. When Sunday comes around, he cannot wait to have fun. Join the little boy as he prepares to enjoy his favorite day with his family, readying himself to go on adventures and learn new things.

Sunday is a fun story that combines profound lessons about spending time with family and educational elements about the days of the week. The story is engaging to read, with a rhyming tone and simple words that children can understand. It teaches children to embrace daily routines and view their contributions to family life positively. The book gives examples of chores and activities that promote responsibility and family bonding. Many children will learn and resonate with the little boy in the story. From Monday to Saturday, he plays, works, and does not complain because he knows that each day brings him closer to his beloved Sunday. This highlights the importance of patience and anticipation and illustrates how everyday responsibilities can lead to joyful moments with loved ones. Finally, the colorful illustrations complement the story and bring it to life. The little boy in his red and white striped pajamas was my favorite image. Overall, this is a great read with vital lessons about family time, responsibility, and the joy found in everyday activities.