Stella's Brave Voice

Children - Picture Book
39 Pages
Reviewed on 11/04/2023
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Author Biography

Marissa Bader is a writer and children’s book author with a background in mental health. Her books, The Only Me, Stella’s Brave Voice, and Petunia the Perfectionist are inspired by her three daughters, a set of twins and a singleton, and promote confidence, courage, and self-acceptance in kids. Marissa also enjoys writing personal essays and articles about mental health and parenthood. Her work has appeared in Psychology Today, HuffPost Parents, Time Out New York, Kveller and more.

Marissa resides in Minneapolis with her family, and when not writing, can often be found drinking coffee or having dance parties with her kids. To learn more about Marissa and her books, or to schedule her for an author visit, head to her website at

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Stella's Brave Voice is a children's picture book written by Marissa Bader with illustrations by Arlene Soto. The book follows the story of twin sisters, Stella and Paige. Stella loves that she has a twin sister who always has her back because she talks less than Paige, who is more outgoing. Unfortunately, sometimes Paige oversteps and forgets that Stella can speak for herself if she wants to. Stella confides in their mother and informs her that she feels a burning feeling in her stomach whenever Paige talks for her. What could it be? And will her mother’s advice help her find the courage to speak up for herself? Get a copy of this book to find out.

Stella's Brave Voice is a fun story that encourages children to speak up and share their opinions. Stella is an adorable character whose plight will resonate with many shy children who are afraid to voice their ideas. Marissa Bader uses this story to teach children to get out of their shells and stand up for themselves. Bottling up your feelings and not sharing your views can cause you to feel stressed, and like Stella, it can give you a burning sensation in your stomach. Freedom and joy come with speaking out, and this can be seen in Stella’s character development from a timid child to a cheerful and brave girl. I loved the book’s art because it was eye-catching and told the story through visuals. I recommend parents and caregivers to read this book with their children and help them find fun ideas to help them overcome their fear of speaking up.

Luwi Nyakansaila

People have different temperaments. Even twins like Stella and Paige interact with others differently. Paige is more outgoing, and for many years, she has spoken on behalf of her shy sister, Stella. Of late, their arrangement has started bothering Stella, who feels a burning sensation in her stomach, pushing her to speak for herself. Stella wishes to break out of her shell and interact with her friends but does not want to hurt her sister's feelings. She tells their mother about her predicament, and the advice she gives Stella makes her braver and more confident in herself. To enjoy this story, get a copy of Stella's Brave Voice, a children's picture book written by Marissa Bader and illustrated by Arlene Soto.

Stella’s Brave Voice is an inspirational story with a profound message about finding your voice. Most people find it difficult to air their opinions because they fear they will be ridiculed or laughed at. Stella’s story encourages children to overcome this fear while they are still young. This will help them in their emotional and mental development. If you view the story from Paige’s point of view, the author teaches children to be considerate and know when to step back and give their friend or, in this case, a sibling a chance to shine. Apart from these incredible messages, I also loved the beautiful illustrations that complement the story and perfectly depict the character’s emotions. I enjoyed reading this story and hope to read more from this author. Great work.