
The true story of a woman drugged with GhB and how she was turned into a criminal.

Non-Fiction - True Crime
419 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Natalie Soine for Readers' Favorite

Spiked by Sharron Gold is a riveting true crime story that delves into the harrowing world of drug-induced manipulation, gang stalking, and the indomitable human spirit's ability to overcome unimaginable adversity. This compelling narrative takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster, recounting Sharron's descent into a nightmarish existence after being drugged with GHB and subjected to mind-altering techniques. Sharron's journey from an independent woman to a victim, manipulated to do unspeakable things, keeps readers on edge from the very beginning. Her experience with GHB serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers lurking in today's society.

Sharron Gold's courage and resilience shine throughout the story. Her meticulous memory, honed from her past career, is her ultimate weapon against her tormentors. Her determination to document her ordeal and turn it into a book is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Sharron's narrative grips readers with its raw and honest portrayal of her trauma and her ultimate escape from her tormentors. Spiked also serves as a powerful advocacy tool, raising awareness about the perils of drugs and the need for better protection against gang stalking. Sharron's story is not just a personal account but a call to action, a testament to the importance of resilience and determination in the face of unimaginable challenges. In the end, Sharron's journey from victim to survivor is a source of inspiration and hope. Her book becomes a powerful tool for healing for herself and others who have endured similar traumas. Spiked is suitable for all adults.