Shaman Stone Soup

Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
154 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Scarlett Jensen for Readers' Favorite

Shaman Stone Soup by Elizabeth M. Herrera features a compilation of inspirational true-life stories that show the higher power of spirituality. Readers are challenged to question their own beliefs. Elizabeth lost her Christian faith in her early twenties and for over a decade, she searched for something to fill the void before discovering Native American spirituality (shamanism). She offers her personal story of induction and experiences as a spiritual healer for friends, family, and clients. Through her spiritual practice, she became a catalyst for healing and miracles. She teaches the history of shamanism, which includes an overview of guides, power animals, and shamanic journeying skills. There are different spirit realms and protectors.

Readers will learn about the benefits of building relationships with guides and the spirits of ancient wise men who offer advice. Elizabeth M. Herrera witnessed a miraculous cancer cure, the loving afterlife contact with her mother, and many other stories. Her shamanic practices and teachings include shamanic history, journeying, soul retrieval, death, and dying. This book helps you to determine if you are a born shaman or how you can become a shaman. A higher power does exist. The forces of day-to-day reality seem to take hold and become the truth for you, yet the truth is not seen with the eyes or heard with the ears. It is felt as the peace in your heart. It aligns itself with health and well-being. You can feel the magic by discovering hidden abilities with intuitive tools. It is amazing how the Spirit hears our prayers—no matter how big or small. What fascinated me was the title of the book: Shaman Stone Soup. Stone Soup is a parable about the value of community members sharing resources. The moral of the story is that more can be accomplished when people work together. To me, it means that the power of divine intervention may help you walk on a spiritual path outside religion toward healing.