Sentinals Across Time

Book Four of the Epic Fantasy Sentinal Series

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
466 Pages
Reviewed on 12/25/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Sentinals Across Time is a work of fiction penned by author Helen Garraway in the epic fantasy, action, and adventure subgenres, and it forms the fourth novel in the Sentinal Series. The work is best suited to the general adult reading audience. We find ourselves immersed in the vibrant, ancient world of Remargaren, a realm saturated with magic and filled with high-fantasy adventures. Jerrol, torn between duty and family, becomes stranded across land and time due to a conspiracy involving Lady Leyandrii and the Oath, threatening the Birtolian Empire. As he navigates the unfamiliar landscapes and cultures, Jerrol is faced with the challenge of preventing the impending devastation of the gentle Birtolian people.

Author Helen Garraway has crafted a captivating fantasy experience, immersing me in a richly detailed world filled with intricate characters and a finely woven tapestry of magic and lore. Garraway's storytelling is tender and emotive in all the right places, allowing the reader to empathize with Jerrol's predicament and root for the preservation of the Birtolian Empire. I was impressed by the different angles of culture, lore, politics, and social structures, which allowed Jerrol to tackle themes like duty, sacrifice, and the consequences of wielding magic, creating a compelling and immersive read. The pacing was also well crafted to intersperse these explorations with lots of actions and interesting twists, which leaves plenty of space for these poignant moments to shine but keeps us captivated for the next big action shift. Overall, for an intricate and imaginative novel that keeps the reader engaged from start to finish, I would highly recommend Sentinals Across Time and the series in general to fantasy readers everywhere.

Danielle Shean

I read a lot of books and generally I'm happy to read through once and keep going with a series. It's rare that I return back to the beginning of a series to experience it again, and Helen Garraway's Sentinal Series is one of these very few. I really enjoy her characters and being with them as they grow and form relationships with each other. After wading my way through tonnes of urban fantasy and epic fantasies that feel pretty much like each other, it's refreshing to have characters and stories that stand out from that crowd. I always look forward to a new addition to this series. And this addition did not disappoint! Sentinals Across Time is a fun adventure that pulls all the familiar characters together and propels them into some very interesting and unexpected places, with some call-back characters that get a chance to be fleshed out in this continuation of the series. It fills in some of the blanks from the previous books and introduces us to a new part of Ms Garaway's Remargaren, Birtoli. If you haven't read Sentinals Awaken before coming to this book, I strongly recommend you do; perhaps you'll get as hooked on this series as I am.'

Rick W Foster

This book never stopped. Heck, what am I saying? It never even slowed down, but pedal to the metal all the way. The first three books I rated 4 stars, but the final one deserved a SIX STAR RATING. THANK YOU, Helen Garraway! You did well!!! Characters, dialogue, plot with all of its twist and turns. I was and am amazed at how you pulled off the transition in this final book to a glorious story. Even as I read it, I couldn’t believe you could manage it. But you did, and in flying colors. Thank you again for a wonderful ride.