Romancing the Cowboy

An Instalove Age-Gap Romance

Romance - Contemporary
167 Pages
Reviewed on 05/10/2022
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Author Biography

Nichole Rose is a curvy romance author on the west coast. Her books feature headstrong, sassy women and the alpha males who consume them. From grumpy detectives to country boys with attitude to instalove and over-the-top declarations, nothing is off-limits.

Nichole is sure to have a steamy, sweet story just right for everyone. She fully believes the world is ugly enough without trying to fit falling in love into a one-size-fits-all box.

When not writing, Nichole enjoys fine wine, cute shoes, and everything supernatural. She is happily married to the love of her life and is a proud mama to the world's most ridiculous fur-babies.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Cayla-Paige Nortje for Readers' Favorite

In Romancing the Cowboy: An Instalove Age-Gap Romance by Nichole Rose, Cassia Murphy is a renowned romance author who has kept her ever-increasing readership enraptured with her sexy cowboy's looks, personality, and all-round crazy sex appeal. It’s the stuff of her wildest dreams, but that’s where they’ve seemed to stay. Not only does Cassia Murphy have an incredible imagination but she also has a closely guarded secret. Introducing Cord Decker, the bane of her existence and the irritant that she just can’t seem to shake off. It started with an email questioning her character's authenticity. Her unintentionally sassy reply quickly became an infuriating spiral of inquisitiveness that has Cassia running for her life and into the arms of the very man she can’t stand, or at least so she thinks.

Nichole Rose has delivered a jam-packed instalove story with a lovely depiction of the well-known phrase that 'age is but a number.' Cord is a definite heartthrob on the page with his rugged looks and rough-around-the-edges approach that would make any woman swoon. I enjoyed the voluptuousness of Cassia’s character and the reference to her curves as I felt it was very inclusive. The emails exchanged between Cassia and Cord had to be one of my favorite parts of the book, due to both Cassia’s level of brazenness and the unashamed, not-so-bashful comebacks from Cord. The two characters had great chemistry which was carried through to the steamy love scenes between the two. Romancing the Cowboy is a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.