Psychosocial Political Dysfunction of the Republican Party

Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
208 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

Set apart from a host of contemporary political critiques, Psychosocial Political Dysfunction Disorder of the Republican Party employs a mode of analysis through the lens of widespread neuropathology. Daniel Brubaker’s approach is more persuasive than many texts grounded in political history, which detail institutionalized corruption from an alternative perspective. The well-documented contention that a powerful political faction is composed of leaders who innately disregard facts and evince a mindset that mars the healthy growth of toddlers alone is a clarion call. The book cogently presents the consequences of extensive anti-social behaviors in Republican representatives, supported by a wealth of evidence and case studies. The difference between promoting the greatest good and party fidelity as the polar opposite is particularly telling. In explaining the retention of followers through various means, the promotion of mass delusions, and deliberately minimizing individualism, the harm is evident.

One of the most compelling themes of the book is the evolution of the Party of Lincoln into what currently exists. The observation that President Trump is not a symptom of the Republican Party but rather its epitome—the standard of measure for Congressional Republicans—is a strong point. Daniel Brubaker effectively indicates the importance of that distinction, which explains how the past administration successfully disregarded the COVID pandemic, resulting in unnecessary loss of life. In addition to an extensive critique, ethical Republicans such as Romney and McCain are profiled. Democrats are not exempt from recommendations for improvement, such as their need to distinguish their support for social democracy, which embraces capitalism, to counter Republican attacks. In its comprehensive, balanced approach, extensive evidential support, and unique vantage point, Psychosocial Political Dysfunction Disorder of the Republican Party is highly recommended for Americans of every political persuasion.