Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two, Psalms 1-72

For Personal Recital or Communal Reflection

Christian - General
280 Pages
Reviewed on 06/10/2024
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Author Biography

L. L. Larkins is a student first of God's word, and a teacher and worship leader with a B.A. in Christian Music Composition.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two: Psalms 1-72 by L. L. Larkins is an exceptional resource for anyone looking deeper into the Psalms. Larkins’s approach to setting these timeless texts to familiar hymn tunes offers a fresh and accessible path to experiencing the richness of the Psalms. The book begins with a historical overview, situating the Psalms within the context of David's and Solomon's reigns, which enhances the reader's understanding and appreciation. The thematic indexing of the Psalms—covering categories such as Praising Psalms, Pleading Psalms, and Teaching Psalms—provides a clear guide for selecting Psalms based on individual needs or occasions. This thoughtful organization makes the book an educational tool that helps users easily navigate the Psalms.

The use of well-known hymn tunes is a stroke of genius. It seamlessly integrates the Psalms into existing worship traditions while providing a fresh auditory experience. For example, setting Psalm 8 to "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” and Psalm 2 to "Come Thou Almighty King" instantly makes the Psalm more relatable and more accessible to memorize, fostering a deeper connection to the words. Larkins also includes practical applications for both private and public worship. The book encourages diverse musical styles, from classical to contemporary. The inclusion of space for adding personal musical notes and reflections further personalizes the worship experience, allowing for a dynamic engagement with the text. Moreover, the anthology is educational. Each Psalm's historical usage and thematic classification provide a rich background that enhances the reader's understanding. This makes the book a devotional resource and a study tool suitable for theologians, musicians, and laypeople. L. L. Larkins’ Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two, Psalms 1-72 is a captivating blend of music and scripture that brings a unique perspective to the ancient Psalms.

Liz Konkel

Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two, Psalms 1-72 by L.L. Larkins is an ideal resource that takes the Psalms from the Bible and turns them into singable hymnals. These scriptures are adapted for ease in understanding the verses as songs and are set against the tunes of traditional hymns. The purpose is to sing God’s praises and provide a unique way to examine His goodness and grace through the prayers featured in the first of the Psalms. These are perfect for church choirs, worship leaders, soul meditations, and personal Bible study. There are interactive exercises that make it perfect for multiple uses. The Psalms answer the question of “who God is” in lyrical ways that will help transform souls that sing together in His name.

Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two, Psalms 1-72 is a unique way to memorize and study Psalms by singing them. The tunes of familiar hymns make it easy for worship leaders, choirs, or anyone wanting to sing them to do so. L.L. Larkins has created a volume allowing anyone to immerse themselves in God’s Word by literally singing His praises. The organized structure of the volume serves as a starting point so anyone can put their spin on it. These are paired with black and white images incorporated throughout that add more to the spiritual tone. This volume serves as a great introduction to the Psalms and the other volumes. It has multiple uses from school choirs to church to recitals to devotionals. As a devotional, you can examine several lessons about God’s handiwork such as Psalm 34, bless the Lord in every situation (a reminder to give thanks to God), and Psalm 40, waiting patiently for God. This also can be used as a unique Bible Study by examining what each verse means and contains a variety of themes such as giving thanks (reminders of how quickly life goes), singing His praises, wanting to feel His presence, and hoping that nations will be glad in His joy. Easy to use, this is a highly recommended work that can be used for personal study, choirs, and recitals.

Divine Zape

Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two: Psalms 1-72 by L. L. Larkins offers a remarkable new way to engage with the Psalms. This anthology is not just a book but an extensive toolbox for personal devotion and communal worship. Larkins’s work shines in its innovative fusion of ancient scripture with familiar hymn tunes, making the Psalms accessible and resonant. The introduction draws readers into the Psalms' historical depth and theological richness. Larkins meticulously outlines the various types of Psalms, from True Torah Piety to Psalms of the Penitent, providing context that enhances understanding. This well-organized classification invites readers to explore each Psalm with a clear purpose, whether they seek comfort, guidance, or a means to express lament.

The unique musical approach is transformational. By aligning each Psalm with a familiar tune, L. L. Larkins helps bridge the gap between ancient texts and the pulse of contemporary worship. For example, pairing Psalm 23 with "Away in a Manger" infuses the Psalm with new emotional layers, allowing for a fresh, reflective encounter with these well-loved words. Moreover, the practical applications are endless. Whether used in personal quiet time, family devotions, or communal worship, this anthology can serve various settings. The flexibility to sing the Psalms as acapella or with instruments, or even to explore different genres such as rock or bluegrass, makes this collection versatile and engaging. One of the standout features is the space provided for musical notes and personal reflections. This thoughtful inclusion encourages readers to personalize their devotional journey, turning each recitation into a unique act of worship. Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two, Psalms 1-72 is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual life through the Psalms. Larkins has created a tool that honors the historical richness of the Psalms and makes them come vibrantly alive for contemporary worship.

Christian Sia

In Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two, Psalms 1-72, L. L. Larkins presents a ground-breaking and engaging way to pray with the Psalms. The premise of setting these ancient texts to well-known hymn tunes offers a refreshing approach to both personal devotion and community worship. Larkins's profound respect for the historical context of the Psalms is evident in this collection. The introductory sections provide a historical backdrop and categorize the Psalms into useful themes such as the Messianic and Psalms of Lament. This structured approach aids readers in choosing specific Psalms for particular moods or needs, making the anthology a functional resource for different occasions. By matching each Psalm with a familiar hymn tune, Larkins allows readers to connect emotionally and spiritually more profoundly. For instance, setting Psalm 1 to "This Is My Father's World" brings an added layer of depth, marrying the words of the Psalm with a melody that evokes nostalgia and reverence.

Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two, Psalms 1-72 includes practical elements for musicians and worship leaders. The provision for adding chord charts and musical notes makes it conducive to a range of worship settings, from intimate home gatherings to more extensive church services. This thoughtfulness extends to the encouragement of trying various musical styles, whether traditional, contemporary, or even genres like country and swing. L.L. Larkins's work is not just about music but about enhancing devotional practice. Space for personal reflections and musical indications allows users to tailor their experience, making each session with the Psalms uniquely intimate. The Psalms have always been vital to spiritual practice, and this anthology breathes new life into these ancient songs. This anthology is a seamless blend of the old and new, making it a versatile and enriching addition to any devotional collection.

K.C. Finn

Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two: Psalms 1-72 For Personal Recital or Communal Reflection is a work of non-fiction in the Christian living, devotional, and music subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author L. L. Larkins, this collection serves as a common prayer book drawn directly from the Psalms, priming deeper worship experiences through the art form of music. Adapted to traditional hymn tunes, these verses facilitate personal or communal reflection, inviting interpretation through individual musical preferences. Larkins weaves in ancient prayers and meditations from the Old Testament, providing a timeless witness to God's involvement in various aspects of human existence.

Author L. L. Larkins has lovingly crafted a transformative encounter with the Psalms presented in a refreshingly accessible format and one that will inspire those with a love for music that’s as strong as their love for their faith. Larkins' adaptation of scripture lyrics to traditional hymn tunes makes the Psalms remarkably singable, enabling a deeper engagement with these ancient prayers. Each verse-by-verse context, combined with familiar melodies, facilitates personal reflection and is well-organized to deliver the melody and intention of the text clearly and concisely. The Psalms' timeless themes of gratitude and hope are always present and foregrounded by the author’s clear enthusiasm, offering a rich tapestry of spiritual exploration that is intended to foster profound connections to the enduring wisdom of the divine. Larkins' innovative approach not only makes the Psalms more accessible but also underscores their relevance in contemporary worship and personal devotion. Overall, Psalm-Hymns Volumes One & Two is indeed a valuable resource for both individual meditation and communal worship, offering a pathway to deeper spiritual awareness and transformation.