Protective Instinct

A Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - General
287 Pages
Reviewed on 04/06/2024
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Author Biography

Joy York grew up in Alabama but has spent much of her adult life in the Midwest, currently living with her husband, Terry, in Indiana. Inspired by a family legacy of oral storytelling, she began creating stories and adventures for her son when he was growing up. With encouragement from family and friends, she began to write them down. Her first book, The Bloody Shoe Affair: A daring and thrilling adventure with the jailer’s daughter, a YA mystery set in the rural south in 1968, was published in 2015. It became a series, The Jailer’s Daughter’s Mysteries, when The Moonshine Murders, Book 2, was released in March 2024. Genuine Deceit: A Suspense Novel was published on Amazon in May 2021. Protective Instinct, a mystery/suspense, (World Castle Publishing) was published in January 2024.

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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Maximillian Fontana is a billionaire businessman and suspected underworld kingpin. Sebastian "Bash" Bartoli rejects any attempt to have him write Fontana's biography, unwilling to become entangled in any possible illicit activities. Despite Sebastian's refusal, Fontana is adamant that he fulfill this strange request, so Sebastian and his friends devise a clever plan to get out of this by making the renowned author vanish. Believing he has dodged a bullet, nothing prepares Sebastian for the sequence of events that follow when the ravishing Morgan Skylar shows up at his doorstep in Joy York's Protective Instinct.

In Protective Instinct, Joy York emphasizes the difficulties of trusting someone you do not know. Using the principal characters' origin stories, her clever manipulation of their conversations makes them appear counterintuitive to their motivations. The growing chemistry between Bash and Morgan is a prime example; romance readers will swoon over it despite the obvious red flag. Bash's plans may be affected negatively by Morgan's deceased grandfather's past activities. York carefully considered every tiny detail, as evidenced by the clever and masterfully written dialogue between the characters and the detailed explanation of Maximillian's complicated business empire. Fans of action will enjoy the fight scenes and the breathtaking pace of the later chapters of the novel. Thanks to York's unique storytelling technique, readers will fall in love with this adventure that requires thinking outside the box when deciphering strategically placed clues. Protective Instinct is the perfect book if you are searching for a slow-burning thriller with enough intrigue to awaken your inner Sherlock Holmes.