Praying the Word of Grace

The Revival of a Grieving Father's Soul Through the Simple Practice of Scripture-Based Prayer

Christian - Non-Fiction
256 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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Author Biography

Jonah is an award-winning author, Harvard graduate, husband, father, and simple comfort-food-lovin’ country guy, born and raised in the Texas Hill Country.

He returned home in 2012 and met his wife, Faith, where they started their life together serving at the children’s home his father founded. There, he was a pastor and worship leader for 10 years, as well as house parent and mentor to some amazing children. Now he writes and publishes books with his wife in the Hill Country while doing ministry, and raising two beautiful children, Miles and Mercy.

Jonah's life changed forever in 2017 when his firstborn son, Judah, was born in critical condition. Through this time, Jonah's family was surrounded by an unmistakable grace and prayer support that left a permanent mark on their hearts. At 20 months old, Judah passed away, and was embraced into the arms of Heavenly Father. Jonah thinks with a deep smile and welling tears about the day he’ll see his little hero again in Heaven. Judah, Miles, Mercy, Faith, and precious Jesus are the sparkle in Jonah’s eye as he creates.

Jonah’s passion is to create writing, music, experiences and spaces where the Spirit of God moves and sets people free. Free to be fully loved, seen, known, healed, whole, new … and fully alive … That they may become all they are created to be, and tell the unique story in their hearts.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Jonah Priour’s Praying the Word of Grace recounts his reliance on Scripture during the illness and death of his son, Judah, who lived for 20 months despite a grim prognosis. Priour, finding comfort in the song “Goodness of God” and Scripture, explores grace as a central biblical theme, comparing it to a symphony and a diamond. Priour emphasizes the gospel as Christ’s work and grace, linking faith from hearing Scripture to receiving grace and entering God’s rest. He encourages deep engagement with Scripture and prayer, sharing personal experiences to highlight grace’s transformative power amidst doubt and suffering. Priour reflects on Jesus Christ as the source of grace, providing spiritual completeness and eternal life. He emphasizes grace's transformative power through Christ's sacrifice, stresses salvation as a gift, and highlights grace’s role in uniting believers with Christ and enabling divine purposes.

“This book isn’t intended to cover all aspects of the life of Christ, or be a comprehensive study of God’s nature... It is an adventure we will take in communion with God through prayer.” Praying the Word of Grace by Jonah Priour reaches out to readers in several ways, namely through his theological depth, engaging metaphors, personal tone, inspirational message, and balanced approach to complex ideas. All of these elements work together to make the guide accessible, meaningful, and transformative for readers seeking to understand and experience the grace of God. The standout section to me is based on 1 Corinthians, in which the correlation between God's grace and who we are, and that without that grace we are nothing, felt like the heartbeat of the book. Of course, it will touch everyone differently and that is the beauty of it. There's something here that will click on an individual level, without undermining that Priour's work is for all of us. Well done, and highly recommended.