Whimsy and Wanderings in Verse

Poetry - General
92 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

POMES! Whimsy and Wanderings in Verse is a work of collected poetry on a variety of uplifting and amusing themes. The work is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Anne Ross, this spirited collection offers whimsical and light-hearted verses that explore everyday experiences with humor and insight. Her verses, described as pomes rather than poems per se, immediately set a tone of informality and accessibility. Each pome invites readers to explore familiar landscapes and situations from refreshing perspectives, often leading to unexpected bursts of laughter or quiet moments of reflection.

Anne Ross utilizes her many lyrical talents to craft a delightful journey through the playful and introspective realms of everyday life. What struck me most was Ross's ability to blend the ordinary with the extraordinary, effortlessly weaving together themes of intergenerational relationships, the quirks of travel, and the whimsical nature of creativity itself. Her pomes meander through topics as diverse as a roadside diner or the joys of a simple car ride, all while maintaining a sense of playfulness and charm. Some personal favorites for me included the witty and insightful ‘Statue of LiberTV’, the beautiful rhyming and timing of ‘The Weather Guys (and Gals)’, and the fascinating reverse perspective of ‘Hairdresser’s Hand Mirror’. Ross's exploration of the ‘extraordinary ordinaries’ of existence wakes us up from the humdrum of daily life, reminding us to find wonder in the mundane. Overall, POMES! is a delightful read for anyone seeking both laughter and moments of quiet contemplation within the pages, and I would not hesitate to recommend it.