Over in the Meadow

Children - Picture Book
58 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

What do you get if you combine an old folk song from 1870 with superb illustrations? This combination gives you the wonderful children’s picture book Over in the Meadow by Chandler Strange. This song continues to serve the same two purposes for which it was originally written: to teach children how to count and for sheer enjoyment. Chandler has added a third dimension, which shows the beauty of nature. Your child will delight in learning this song as they learn to count. They will also marvel at the wonder of nature and meet different animals, including deer, owls, frogs, bees, geese, and many others. The song is on YouTube, and I recommend learning the tune so you and your child can enjoy singing together. This is a wonderful way to learn to count to 10.

Chandler Strange also richly illustrated Over in the Meadow. At the end of the book, Chandler includes information about each species of animal that your child will meet on their journey to the meadow. Throughout this book, Chandler shows Leafcutter Ants, so there is a total of eleven different species. Which animal will your child pick as their favorite? Keep the fun going as you spend time learning about the various animals. Take the time to research each species and help your child learn about the animals’ eating habits and where they live. As a former educator, I believe in combining various topics to expand learning. I highly recommend this book to children of all ages.