Orphans of Avalon

DY51v Series Book One

Fiction - Science Fiction
398 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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Author Biography

D. G. Pearse is already traditionally and independently published under a different pseudonym. Which she prefers to keep a secret for now. :) She resides on a farm in the Boundary Country, British Columbia, Canada with her husband, son, pets and a forever-expanding collection of art supplies, books, and anime.
Okay, so I like tea, and Japanese and Italian are my favourite foods. I enjoy baking, gardening, art, music and writing. And I love reading Asian comics and watching anime (too many years to count). Right now, I’m seriously into manhwa. K-pop is fun, but I prefer neo classical, epic, soundtracks, and power metal. The best movies are sci-fi and fantasy hands down. I also drive fast when there are no other cars on the road, and purple is the best colour in the world. Don’t argue, just accept it. :) I dislike cranky children, mess and disorder, coffee, rude people, and black liquorice.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

Orphans of Avalon is the first entry in the DY51v Series by D.G. Pearse, a gorgeous offering that melds post-apocalyptic elements with the paranormal to create an unforgettable read. The setting is in 2330 when science has experienced tremendous growth while the political landscape is rife with tension and strife. Against this backdrop, a group of hybrids — genetically modified humans — gain paranormal abilities and immortality and are entrusted with the duty of protecting the remnants of the North American Continental Bloc. The group comprises ten hybrid soldiers — three women and seven men. When the most powerful among the group, Sloan Whelan, disappears, everyone has reason to worry. The rest of the group is out to find him, knowing he has an unusual affinity toward children. As Sloan sets out to fulfill his new mission with the children, he must come to terms with his new abilities, his mission, and the transformation that has made him what he is.

This is an intelligently crafted post-apocalyptic narrative that stands out in its originality. While many books in the genre explore themes of science and survival, Orphans of Avalon offers a unique perspective, delivering a plot that is not only twisty but supported by solid points. The writing is superb, characterized by fascinating descriptions, dark and grim humor, and captivating dialogues. D.G. Pearse has crafted an emotionally rich tale featuring extraordinary, believable, and likable characters. The setting is stunningly imagined and expertly accomplished. The conflict grows in magnitude from page to page, and readers are keen to discover what happens next in the story. Overall, it was a thrill ride, an utterly satisfying read and I would love to read the next book in the series.