Oddney's Otherland: Chronicles from Beneath the Shed

In Search of the Two-Headed Firedrake

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
114 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2024
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Author Biography

Husband-and-wife team, Rodney Matthews (illustrator) and Sarah Matthews (author) live and work together in the Cotswolds, England. Specialising in the genre of children's fantasy, the couple are currently working on new adventures for their fictional characters: another animation for the junior adventurer Yendor; and the next novel for the bumbling, yet fearless Professor Clive Oddney and his loyal friend, Magnus, a curious, plain-speaking magpie.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Oddney's Otherland: In Search of the Two-Headed Firedrake is a children's illustrated adventure book by Sarah Matthews. Professor Clive Oddney and his friend Magnus, a talking magpie, have recently moved to his Uncle Cuthbert's former home in Nether Bottom. After discovering a garden gnome in his shed and stumbling upon Cuthbert's journal, Oddney learns about a magical place called Otherland, where the two-headed dragon, a Firedrake, resides. Eager to know more about Cuthbert's fate and find the elusive two-headed dragon, Oddney and Magnus travel through the passageway underneath the shed until they arrive in Otherland. Soon, they encounter various magical creatures and ride a dragon named Spitfire to look for Firedrake on Smokestack Island. Firedrake tricks Oddney and makes him his slave, and now, it's up to Magnus, Spitfire, and their newfound friend Wallie to embark on a rescue mission and save Oddney. Will they succeed?

Hop on for an exhilarating and adventurous ride featuring ferocious dragons, talking birds, and trees that speak in riddles in Oddney's Otherland: In Search of the Two-Headed Firedrake. Sarah Matthews has written a captivating tale filled with mystery, adventure, action, and lots and lots of fun. Matthews has created a fascinating magical world full of diverse magical creatures and terrain, and it comes alive on the pages through the vibrant illustrations by Rodney Matthews. But the real draw of this book is the characters. The main characters have distinct and lively personalities with unique quirks that only make you love them more. I really enjoyed the eccentric Oddney and his dynamic with Magnus. Spitfire is an absolute delight, and I think young readers will adore him. All in all, this is a fantastic adventure for kids.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

In Oddney's Otherland: Chronicles Beneath the Shed, Sarah Matthews's characters are 'In Search of the Two-Headed Firedrake.' Number Three, Thrubwell Lane in Nether Bottom seems just as ordinary as the surrounding properties, but Professor Clive Oddney and his magpie, Magnus, stumble upon a strange creature in the old shed. It leads Oddney to consult his uncle's journal about his otherworldly experiences. At first glance, Oddney believed his Uncle Cuthbert hadn't been stable as he wrote about his explorations. After identifying the creature and eyeing an unfinished entry about a two-headed firedrake, Oddneys set out to complete his uncle's journal entry. The professor and Magnus leave under the watchful gaze of their nosy neighbor, Mrs. Beezer. As she alerts her apathetic husband to the length of time they spend in the shed, Professor Oddney and Magnus go on a quest in a land where gnomes, goblins, and dragons are a common sight.

Sarah Matthews has written a tale full of adventure and filled with delightful and quirky characters. With a foreword by John Cleese, I knew the story would be unforgettable. The author produced a fantastic story reminiscent of the classic animations of the 1980s. From well-defined cracks and wrinkles to intricate drawings of fantastic creatures, the illustrations look like they're ready to pop off the pages with characters that pass gas at will and breathe fire that singes any other creature in their path. I enjoyed the interactions between the characters and the check-ins with Mrs. Beezer as she spied on the shed. Professor Oddney and Magnus, his wonderful companion, went on a quest but gained more than they expected along the way. Readers who enjoy eye-catching and fantastic illustrations alongside an entertaining story will love In Oddney's Otherland: Chronicles Beneath the Shed.

Afifa Raisa

Oddney's Otherland: Chronicles from Beneath the Shed by Sarah Matthews tells the story of Professor Clive Oddney, who has recently moved to his uncle’s cottage in Nether Bottom. With Magnus, a talking magpie who also happens to be his best friend, Oddney discovers a secret tunnel in the garden shed. It leads to Otherland, a marvelous place mentioned in his uncle’s journal. In the journal, Oddney finds the painting of a beast called the Two-Headed Firedrake. As there is no information in the entry, he decides to take up his uncle's unfinished job. With Magnus by his side, he heads to Otherland in search of this mysterious creature. Can they navigate the unfamiliar world full of surprises and reach their destination?
Sarah Matthews’ Oddney's Otherland: Chronicles from Beneath the Shed is a delightful read filled with humor. The story immediately hooks the reader, and being fun and fast-paced, it is unlikely to lose them along the way. Both Oddney and Magnus are remarkably consistent and lovable characters; the wonderful bond they share makes them more appealing. Their adventure ends in a way that indicates it might not be over yet, which makes it possible to add a sequel that readers would love to check out. This book is recommended for young readers aged eight to ten. Set in a world inhabited by fantastic creatures, including dragons and gnomes, it is quite likely to appeal to fans of Alice in Wonderland and the Chronicles of Narnia.