
A Yoga Book to Develop Social-Emotional Skills

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Marlee Kostiner brings yoga poses and mindfulness to children in her book, NaMOOste. Animals take on various yoga poses and their intentions are described in the poetic text. The author encourages caregivers or educators who read her book with children to participate in each pose, guiding the young reader in their technique. After the story, fourteen social and emotional skills are defined, and the animals' actions pertaining to each skill are explained. Pertinent questions about the material in the book are given as prompts for further discussion, and a psychologist and yoga teacher, Rickie Kostiner, provides a note to parents about the benefits of the book.

Join the animals in Marlee Kostiner's book as they demonstrate some well-known yoga positions! Cute, calming, and eye-catching, the animals in the illustrations will draw the interest of youngsters and encourage them to try each pose. My children and I tried the poses between each turn of the page and commented on the way each one made us feel. While supporting mindfulness, caregivers can assume each pose, demonstrating good form and touching on the reason each animal is in the pose and whether it is to inspire self-confidence or self-care. A QR code enables readers to follow a link to Kostiner's website, and upon signing up for her newsletter, readers will receive yoga demonstrations, printable worksheets, and social-emotional learning resources for free, making the book a valuable investment. NaMOOste is a great selection for children who like animals and want to learn more about yoga.