Mermaid Tails

Children - Picture Book
47 Pages
Reviewed on 01/26/2024
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Author Biography

Author Suzanna Lynn is a happily married, full-time mother of three beautiful, energetic children, and lives in a small town nestled in the deep rolling hills of Missouri.

Growing up in the Ozarks, Suzanna spent her childhood wandering the fields and woods surrounding her home. While most children avoided the dark corners of the woods, she sought them out; imagining them to be filled with fairies, dragons and all number of creatures.

Having not lost her childhood imagination, Suzanna has written numerous poems, songs and short stories that won various awards in high school and college. Her dream was to, one day, be an author.

In 2014 she decided to stop wishing she could publish a book and made the dream a reality when she released The Bed Wife.

That first novella gave birth to two more books, completing the series, and stirred the embers of her five-book series called The Untold Stories. She has since published several stand alone novels and children’s books.

When she's not busy writing, illustrating, or spending time with her family, Suzanna loves to travel, go horseback riding, and growing flowers. She also has been known to volunteer with her children's school, the Ladies Auxiliary, and even her local zoo!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristine Zimmerman for Readers' Favorite

Beautiful, magical mermaids live in the sea with many other creatures. Suzanna Lynn's book, Mermaid Tails, finds a unique and creative way to meld the two. Mermaid Tails can be read on two levels. There is a simple story filled with questions in bold print that encourages kids to imagine what life as a mermaid would be like. Then, in smaller print below, there is a fun fact about the ocean or ocean life that ties into the depiction of the mermaid. So, instead of thinking that mermaids can only have fish tails, what if they had tails like a jellyfish or hammerhead shark? Just like the diversity found in the ocean, mermaids could also be unique.

Having worked in a public library for over 35 years, I know that mermaid tales are challenging to keep on the shelves. Mermaid Tails will be a perennial favorite because of its unique and imaginative take on mermaids. Not only does it showcase mermaids and mermen, but it also brings their fellow ocean dwellers into focus. The illustrations by Suzanna Smith do a stellar job of capturing the sea creatures the mermaids mimic. I loved the glow-in-the-dark mermaid that looked like an anglerfish. Children will come away with an appreciation for the abundant life in the ocean and how important it is for them to embrace their individuality. Suzanna Lynn has tapped into a subject that children love and invites them to stretch their imaginations. Mermaid Tails is one book that children will request again and again.

Rosie Malezer

Mermaid Tails is a children's book written by Suzanna Lynn and illustrated by Suzanna Smith. Many children often wonder or are mystified by the existence of mermaids. The fun facts provided at the end of each page are educational and quite intriguing. The earliest mermaid stories started in Syria about 3,000 years ago. Whether it be a jellyfish, a manatee, a stingray, or any other marine life we see, every single one is truly amazing and has a purpose on this beautiful planet. As a former owner of a home tank filled with sharks, catfish, snails, and more, I was mesmerized by the facts presented in Mermaid Tails. With so many incredible marine animals, what would a mermaid look like if we found one?

Suzanna Lynn analyzes many of the possibilities, combining them with different-shaped species that we may have encountered in our lives. Some live in the deep blue ocean while others live on land, Some people have small marine species inside an aquarium but it is always essential to learn as much as possible about the species before you try to care for them. Not only does Mermaid Tails examine the possibilities of mermaids, but it also provides information on so many other different aquatic species - some of which many of us would never have heard of. After reading about Suzanna Lynn's vast array of sea creatures, I do not doubt that both children and young adults will be fascinated by the different marine animals that dwell in our oceans, seas, lakes, and even fish tanks.

Diana Lopez

The ocean is a wonderful place with its amazing variety of species, real and imaginary. In Mermaid Tails, Suzanna Lynn immerses us in this marine world, sharing fascinating facts about various creatures. She doesn't limit herself to fish but also includes other creatures such as octopuses, seahorses, and jellyfish. The narrative begins with a question: Would mermaids only have fish tails? The answer reveals that there is a great diversity. Suzanna Smith's charming illustrations show us mermaids with tails inspired by the mentioned marine animals. For instance, we see a mermaid with a lionfish tail, accompanied by a fun fact about this type of fish. Mermaid Tails is an innovative way to teach young readers, enabling them to learn information in a fun way while appreciating the beauty of mermaids and exotic fish.

I loved Mermaid Tails for its creative approach. Suzanna Lynn talks about mermaids in short and melodious sentences, asking many questions to stimulate young readers' imaginations. In each illustration, Suzanna Smith shows us mermaids with completely different designs that reflect the characteristics of the marine animals mentioned. Diversity is an aspect that stands out in the images because they show mermaids with different skin colors, hair colors, and ages, including men with fishtails. Marine animals are also well represented. In addition, I liked the explanations in the fun facts because they are concise and easy to understand. Mermaid Tails is a beautiful book to foster curiosity and appreciation for marine life in an accessible way for young readers.