Meatball's Adventurous Appetite

A Pet Cat's Thanksgiving

Children - Picture Book
57 Pages
Reviewed on 03/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Meatball's Adventurous Appetite: A Pet Cat's Thanksgiving is a cute children’s picture book written by Fei Zheng-Ward with illustrations by Roka Studio. It follows the story of Meatball, a chubby white cat who is fond of eating and sleeping. One day, while his owner, Mrs. Jones, was preparing a big turkey for Thanksgiving, she realized that she had forgotten to buy some ingredients and had to rush to the store. Meatball saw this as an opportunity to eat the turkey all by himself, jumped onto the kitchen counter, and started eating the stuffing first. However, his plan backfired as he got stuck inside the turkey, causing chaos in the house. Join Meatball as he experiences a funny and embarrassing moment and learns a valuable lesson.

Meatball's Adventurous Appetite: A Pet Cat's Thanksgiving is an enjoyable story and is part of Meatball's Adventurous Appetite book series by Fei Zheng-Ward. Many young readers will relate to the characters and have a good laugh while reading this story. What I loved about the tale is Meatball's chaotic nature - his idea was a disaster waiting to happen, and his plan to hide just made things worse. Readers will have fun getting to know him and his family and enjoy his little antics. You can share this Thanksgiving book with your loved ones as it includes a search-and-find activity and questions at the end, which make it interactive and engaging. Additionally, the colorful illustrations perfectly complement the story, which will attract children's attention and keep them glued to the pages. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend sharing it with your kids so that you can all have a fun time.