Making Wellness a Priority

Non-Fiction - Self Help
207 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Health and mental well-being are the foundation for anyone pursuing a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. However, there are always unexpected hurdles that a person must overcome to fulfill their dreams and find success. With Making Wellness a Priority, Lisa Lounsbury seeks to help readers attain their optimal health and well-being alongside maximizing their inner potential that enables them to live the life of their dreams. In this book, you will learn about the three main keys and components of wellness, identifying your priorities, physical activities that are beneficial in the long term, busting excuses that hinder your progress, the benefits of healthy eating and good nutrition, strategies to curb over-eating, maintaining a healthy diet, mental health and its importance in your general well-being, and much more.

Making Wellness a Priority is your go-to guide for health, happiness, and overall well-being. Lisa Lounsbury draws from her over thirty years of experience as a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and wellness coach to provide keen insights, exercises, examples, and strategies to help readers find their way to their ideal health and pursue a purpose-driven life without making excuses. The book also contains real-life stories to ensure readers fully grasp the relevant topics discussed. This book is more than just about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It will change your mindset toward how you perceive your mental and physical well-being. This practical guide is a blessing for everyone who strives to develop healthy habits and improve their everyday lifestyle. I found it engaging, informative, and very motivational. Highly recommended.