Lost Vegas, Nevada

Fiction - Drama
190 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alicia DeBerry for Readers' Favorite

What does it cost to make your dreams come true? Richard W. Kelly considers this question in Lost Vegas, Nevada. Jesse is a struggling musician who longs to become famous. He works in the casino at the cash cage and performs on the bridges around the hotels along the strip, doing cover songs to make ends meet. He hopes to have a family one day with the woman he loves. With lots of big ideas, he tries to do whatever he can to succeed. He wants to feel appreciated and be significant to the world. He catches his big break and fully launches himself into his career. He doggedly pursues one dream; what will be the consequences of ignoring his responsibilities and the promises he made before? 
Richard W. Kelly highlights that Las Vegas is a city of entertainment and a hard place for families in Lost Vegas, Nevada. The plot addresses some social issues of domestic violence, runaways, alcohol addiction, drug use, and prostitution. He demonstrates the validity of the saying that 'all that glitters is not gold' because some people go on to be successful like Basha, a young runaway, or self-destruct like Jesse breaking his promises and his wife Jenna, who uses alcohol and eventually drugs to cope with her loneliness while he chases his dreams. Stay mindful of who you meet and remember your goals. Las Vegas can be your paradise or your worst nightmare. Readers who enjoy short stories that present realistic social issues should love this one.