Little Boy Blue

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
222 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Little Boy Blue is a sleuth/mystery thriller by Margaret Fenton. Claire Conover, a child welfare social worker in Birmingham, Alabama, regrets her impulsive mistake that led to her breakup with her loving boyfriend, Grant Summerville. Claire also fosters a thirteen-year-old child named LaReesa Jones. When Grant's former employee, Regina Maynard, accuses him of molesting her six-year-old son, Dylan, Claire is determined to clear Grant's name and get to the truth. Meanwhile, someone murders Regina, putting Grant and all her ex-boyfriends on the list of suspects. Following one clue after another, Claire delves into the investigation while taking Dylan under her care. But now, someone is trying to kill her to stop her from continuing her investigation. Can Claire identify the killer before more innocent lives are lost? Will Grant's name be cleared?

A riveting whodunnit filled with mystery, romance, suspense, and intrigue, Little Boy Blue is a treat for sleuthing fans. One of the highlights of this book is its characters. Author Margaret Fenton does a wonderful job of making her characters talk, act, and feel like real people. Each character is distinct with their own agency and drive, which leads to compelling interactions and drama that is delicious to consume. I loved the different relationship dynamics. Claire and Reese have a wholesome mother-daughter vibe to their relationship, while Claire and Grant's chemistry feels natural, and you want to root for them to end up together. Dylan's story is heartbreaking, but I'm glad about the conclusion to this plot thread. The plot twists and turns are unpredictable, and the ending definitely took me by surprise. All in all, this is a fantastic book for crime aficionados.